CSC 405, Week 10

Produce a Working Deployment,
Suitable for Acceptance Testing

  1. Weekly Lecture/Lab Overview

    1. Monday:

      1. Evaluate last week's critical tasks.

      2. Lab time for development and testing.

    2. Wednesday:

      1. Both lecture and lab dedicated to development and integration.

      2. Deploy to department sites if possible.

    3. Friday:

      1. Both lecture and lab dedicated to producing a new deployment.

      2. To be used for finals week acceptance tests.

  2. Final Exam, Friday 10AM - 1PM:

    1. Individual presentations

      1. 5-10 minutes each

      2. summarize accomplishments and
        remaining work CSC405-W12-L10 Slide 2
      Final Exam, cont'd

    2. Finals week acceptance test results.

      1. 5-minute individual reports

      2. discussion and planning for deployment