CSC 406 Lecture Notes Week 1
Getting Started

  1. Monday:
    1. Go over syllabus
    2. Go over week 1 schedule and tasks

  2. Wednesday:
    1. Replay of 405 final presentations, per week 1 schedule
    2. Tim permitting, discussion of the following issues
      1. Team composition, which based on Monday's discussion, currently looks like this:

        New Team Name Former Team Name Current Members
        Mesh 80211s Bradley, Jonathan, Kareem
        Heartbeat Batman Eric, Ryan, Wilson, Nathaniel
        Monitor OCUnited & Electric Shepard Andrew, Elliot, Issa, Pedro, Peter

      2. GitHub installation this Friday.

      3. Key questions on requirements for this quarter, including:

        1. Are surrogate and robot kernels up to speed for 80211s?

        2. What is the format/UI for the mesh configuration file that Tim wants?

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