Justin Glaeser Assignment #4 Indiv. System Identification: Cal Poly's PolyCat System Tasks and Activities: 1. Search for a resource from another library 2. Useful information about a resource 3. Searching for resources set aside by an Instructor 4. Ability to ask a librarian a question 5. Library Map 6. Response from a search with no results 7. General comments Metrics: Each criteria will have room for comments 1. Level of difficulty with a 0-5 rating (5 = very easy) 2. Usefulness of information (5 = very useful) 3. Level of difficulty with a 0-5 rating (5 = very easy) 4. Level of difficulty with a 0-5 rating (5 = very easy) 5. Interest in Library map functionality a 0-5 rating (5 = definitely interested) 6. Level of satisfaction with a 0-5 rating (5 = definitely satisfied) 7. A simple comment summary for the user to write. Evaluation form: Please fill out the following after each task is performed 1. If a resource cannot be found how easy is it to locate another library to find it. Comments: 2. When a resource is found what is the most useful information (rate each 0 to 5)? Title: Location: Call Number: Status: Publisher: Description: Contents: Summary: Bibliography: Subject: Added author ISBN: Comments: 3. How easy is it to search for a resource set aside by your Instructor on a 0-5 scale (5 = definitely easy). Comments: 4. How easy is it to ask a librarian a question on a 0-5 scale (5 = definitely easy) Comments: 5. If and library website included a floor by floor map which displayed the location of a resource how interested would you be in using it on a 0-5 scale (5 = definitely interested) Comments: 6. How satisfied are you with the message displayed when a search returns no results on a 0-5 scale (5 = definitely satisfied) Addition to saying "No Enteries Found" when a search comes back with no results what other information would be helpful to you in order to refine your search? Comments: 7. A simple comment summary for the user to write.