CSC 484 Lab Notes Week 4, Part 2

CSC 484 Lab Notes Week 4, Part 2
Questions on this Fornight's Readings

  1. What do the two papers have in common?

  2. What are the significant differences between the papers?

  3. What are the "perspectives" of the papers, i.e., where are the authors coming from?

  4. How do the authors state or reveal their perspectives?

  5. What's the "buzz word coefficient" of the papers, i.e., how many unexplained terms or acronyms do they use?

  6. Do either of these two papers support or refute the following two similar claims cited directly or indirectly in chapter 2 of the textbook:

  7. Are either of the two papers trying do prove or establish any particular hypotheses, about storyboarding or scenarios in particular? Do either or both do so, i.e., do they provide appropriate evidence?

  8. Do either or both of the papers address the issue of how to progress from storyboards, and other high-level requirements representations, into the concrete design and implementation of an artifact? Should the papers address this?

  9. Which, if any, of the authors would you hire as artistic consultants on your next storyboarding project? Why or why not?

  10. Which, if any, of the authors would hire as requirements analysis consultants on your next large-scale software development project? Why or why not?

  11. Do either or both of the papers address any cognitive aspects of the users?