Class Schedule

CSC 484 Class Schedule
(last updated Fri 9 May)

Week Lecture Lab Assignment
Textbook Research
1 Intro A1 work     ch 1  
2 Process A1 work;
Quiz 1 (Fri)
    ch 9,12 Attractiveness
3 Evaluation Intro (Mon)
Projects (Wed)
Storyboarding (Fri)
A1 presentations
       (all week)
1 (Mon)   ch 12,
4 Psychology A2 work     ch 2,3 Scenarios
5 Sociology (Mon,Fri)
5-Minute Madness
Quiz 2 (Mon);
A2 posters (Wed,Fri)
2 (Wed) 1 1 ch 4,5 Mental Models
6 Interface Paradigms
and Types
Team Meetings     ch 6 Gratification
7 Data Gathering
and Analysis
Quiz 3 Disc. (Mon); Quiz 3 (Wed);
Team Meetings
         (all week)
  2 (Wed) ch 7,8 TBD
8 Evaluation Framework Project Presentations
       (all week)
    ch 13,14 TBD
9 More on Evaluation
Quiz 4 (Fri) 2
Usability Studies
       (all week)
    ch 15 TBD
10 Future Research Usability Studies
         (all week)
3 (Mon) 3 (Fri)   TBD
Finals Final Presentations
(Mon 10-1PM)
    4 (Wed 5PM)    

Change History:

Date Page Description
14 April First distribution, paper copies handed out in class.
5 May 1
  • Moved Assignment 3 and Milestone 3 due dates to Week 10.
  • Expanded usability studies to labs in both Weeks 9 and 10.
  • Moved final project presentations to finals week, thereby replacing written final exam.
  • Slightly increased weights of quizzes, per Footnote 2.
9 May 1
  • Moved Quiz 3 from Mon to Wed of Week 7.
  • Slightly adjusted weeks 6 and 7 lectures and readings.



1 For most if not all teams, project Milestone 1 will coincide with Assignment 2.

2 There will be a total of 4 quizzes, instead of the 5 indicated in the syllabus. Quizzes 1 through 3 will each be worth 3% of the total class grade, instead of the 2% indicated in the syllabus. Quiz 4 will be an hour-long lecture quiz, worth a total of 6% of the class grade.