CSC 484 Team Membership for Assignment 1
(and Possibly Beyond)

Here are the team memberships and tool areas for Assignment 1, based on the preferences submitted in the first lab. To constitute the teams, I used personnel preferences first, project preferences second. Everyone got first choice on personnel preferences. After that, I went by first, second, and third choice of project area. Students who did not originally submit a questionnaire were added to a team where the was room and mutual interest.
Team Sports (5):
Ravi Gill
Ross Wampler
Michele Mayorga
Alicia Rohrber
AJ Reid
A1 Area: Sports Team Management

Team PDF (6):
Vinay Anantharaman
Kevin Carr
Chetan Desai
Kyle Haughey
Chris Gray
Nick Lynch
A1 Area: PDF Creators

Team IM (7):
Garret DeHoyes
Greg Gire
Aaron Mclauley
Kenny Ray
Matthew Rockwell
William Tracy
David Wheelwright
A1 Area: IM Clients

Team Mail (5):
Matt Chung
Michael Hoffman
Nhut Le
Chris Smeder
Jon Wu
A1 Area: Mail Clients

Team Music (5):
Niklas Frojd
Alexander Sideropoulos
Will Symons
Lauren Tsung
Steven Weigand
A1 Area: Music Management

Team Word (6):
Rebecca Bettencourt
Brian Blonski
David Cuddeback
Donald Hoelle
Jenee Hughes
Frank Sanchez
A1 Area: Word Processors

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