CSC 484: Details of Milestones 3 and 4

As outlined in the projects overview, Milestone 3 entails the following two pieces of work:

Milestone 4 entails these tasks:

Further Details on Milestone Tasks

The following are more specific tasks and considerations for Milestone 3:

Note that subject anonymity is most likely not necessary in any of the 484 studies. If you take photos or video of usability study sessions, anonymity is difficult to maintain. Also, If you obtain qualitative results from user interviews or questionnaires, you may want to clarify responses with the interviewees, to the extent that such clarification does not adversely influence the data analysis.

Week 8 Lab Presentations

Week 8 labs will be devoted to team presentations. All presentations will take place in 14-301. Details of the presentation format are up to you, but you should address each of the following topics:

The following is the presentation schedule:

Time Day Team
12:10 - 12:34 M 2d3d
12:36 - 1:00 M gatekeeper
12:10 - 12:34 W mobility
12:36 - 1:00 W swat
12:10 - 12:34 F menupad
12:36 - 1:00 F iwimp

Please plan your presentation to last no more than 20 minutes, to allow 4 minutes for questions.

Weeks 9 and 10 Usability Studies

Weeks 9 and 10 labs will be devoted to the usability studies. The following is the schedule, which is subject to some minor adjustments if necessary:

Week Time Day Team Location
9 12-1PM MWF 2d3d 14-301
10 11-12PM M gatekeeper 14-305,309
10 12-1PM M mobility 14-301
10 11-12PM W swat 2-204
10 12-1PM W menupad 14-301
10 12-1PM F iwimp 14-301

The studies scheduled for 14-301 will have all lab machines available, plus any other equipment your team arranges to use. The week 9 studies will involve all class members conducting the 2d3d experiment, with study subjects who are not taking 484.

What I have in mind for the gatekeeper study is the use of the two electronically-keyed rooms on the second from of building 14. What I have in mind for the swat study is the use of tablet PCs in our 484 lecture room. Both the gatekeeper and swat studies will take place during 484 lecture hour.

Finals Week Presentations

Your team will make its final project presentation during the period scheduled for the class final exam -- Monday 10:10AM - 1:00PM. There will be no written final exam.

The final presentation should give a summary of your project results, plus discussion of any other interesting project details. The following is the presentation schedule:

Time Topic
10:10 - 10:34 2d3d
10:36 - 11:00 gatekeeper
11:02 - 11:26 mobility
11:28 - 11:52 swat
11:54 - 12:18 menupad
12:20 - 12:44 iwimp

Plan your presentation to last 20 minutes, to allow 4 minutes for questions.

Specific Project Deliverables

As noted in previous assignment and project writeups, you will submit project deliverables on the team website. Details of website organization are up to you, and you are not required to produce a single document that encompasses all of the deliverables.

You may in fact want to impose some form of overall document structure on your website. Here's how the milestones fit into such a structure:

1. Introduction

The work of Milestone 2.

2. Storyboards

The work of Milestone 1 (which is the same as Assignment 2).

3. Prototype

The work of Milestone 3.

4. Usability Study Design

The work of Milestone 3.

5. Usability Study Analysis

The work of Milestone 4.

However you organize your website, these five pieces of work constitute the required 484 project deliverables.1

Change History:

Date Page(s) Description
12 May First distribution, paper copies handed out in class.
2 June 2,3 Added details and schedule for final project presentation.


1 For the 2d3d team, more in-depth experimental design and larger-scale study are substituted for the prototype.