Milestone 1 Addendum: Further Information on the Literature Search

Milestone 1 Addendum:
Further Information on the Literature Search

The Poly library has good resources for online literature search. A list of available research databases is given below. This list was copied from the Kennedy library web site at
For CSC 508 purposes, the good starting points are WorldCat database under "Books" and Current Periodicals, and Conference Proceedings databases under "Articles & Book Reviews". To find commercially available tools, you can use any of the normal search engines, such as Yahoo or Infoseek.

As described in the original Milestone 1 writeup, we are searching primarily for software engineering tools in the 508 project areas. During the course of your searching, if you come across any particularly interesting techniques or languages that could be used in our tools, then record these. For example, if your area is testing, and you find an article on "Automatic Generation of Test Cases", this is a candidate for further investigation, since it may discuss techniques that could be used in the testing tool.

When you find articles with plausible sounding titles, read the abstract if it's available and record the information on where to locate the article. If it's not available in the Poly library, we can check Fisher's holdings or order through inter-library loan. To help you get started, here are the CSC 508 project areas, and some potentially useful keywords to begin your searching:

Project Possible Keywords

Top-Level Tools
  Virgil software process [navigation,browsing,tools]
  Older Process Navigator software process [navigation,browsing,tools]
  Artifact Navigator software [artifact,database] [navigation,browsing,tools]
  Artifact Trace Navigator software trace[ibility] tools
  Text Editing Support software [text editing,word processing]
  Make Tool software [configuration,construction] tools
  Infrastructural Support integrated software development environments
Spec Tools software [requirements,specification] tools
GUI Tools software [prototyping,user interface development] tools
Design Tools [integrated] software design tools
  General Design Tool [integrated] software design tools
  Data Design Tool [integrated] [software] data design tools
  Function Design Tool [integrated] [software] function[al] design tools
Testing Tools software testing tools
Language Tools [integrated] software scripting [tools,languages]

NOTE: At the beginning of class both days next week, we'll check how things are going with the searches and do some weeding out.