CSC 508: Graduate Software Engineering I

CSC 508: Graduate Software Engineering I


Gene Fisher (
Office: 14-210
Office Hours: MWF 3-4, Tu 1-3

Course Objectives

Course Materials

Course materials consist of the following:


CSC 508 is the first in a two-quarter sequence during which we will specify, design, implement, test, and document a software development environment (SDE) for use by CSC 205/206 students. In the first quarter of work, we will focus on requirements analysis, specification, and interface prototyping of the proposed SDE. In the second quarter (CSC 509), we will design and implement the SDE. In both quarters, we will test and document the project.

As part of the requirements phase, we will conduct a survey of recent SE literature and WWW sites for existing SE environments with comparable functionality to what we are working on.

Depending on class interests, we will work in project groups of varying sizes, typically around three people per group.

Project Milestones:

Specific grading criteria will be provided for each milestone. Generally, grading is less rigorous in a graduate course than for undergraduates. However, there will be specific criteria to be met for each milestone. Computer Work
We will be using kdat and the HP garden cluster.