CSC 508 Lecture Notes Week 3

CSC 508 Lecture Notes Week 3
Details of the Requirements Analysis Process
Project Administrative Procedures
User Interviews (Wednesday)

  1. Announcement:
    1. A tour of the Dialog library search system will be conducted in CSC 590 this Wednesday.
    2. The tour is recommended for those who have not before used Dialog.
    3. To attend the tour, meet in the library reference room by 4:10PM this Wednesday, October 6.

  2. User-centered functional requirements analysis.
    1. Figure 1 shows immediately relevant steps of our requirements analysis process.

      Figure 1: Excerpts of requirements analysis process.

    2. Section 2 of the current Inferno requirements is the result of following this process result of this process from last year.
    3. Features of this user-centered analysis style include:
      1. Scenarios are presented in tutorial style.
      2. They tell an interesting and engaging story.
      3. They are organized to give the reader a step-by-step presentation of what the system will be like to use.
    4. Additional examples of this style of requirements presentation are in
      1. The working example used in 205, at
    5. Examples of 205 student work from previous years, at*/requirements

  3. The primary requirements foci this quarter are the following:
    1. Refining and enhancing the existing work from last quarter, based on high-level feature sets devised in Milestone 2.
    2. Clarifying how tools serve the process.
    3. Investigating how to define a tool interface protocol that will allow other tools, including commercial ones, to integrate with Inferno.

  4. Project administrative details (per CSC 205 handouts).
    1. Requirements specification document outline.
    2. File and HTML structure for the requirements specification document.
    3. GUI conventions.
    4. Standard operating procedures.
    5. CVS (version control) basics.

  5. Wednesday (this week) customer meetings
    Group Meeting
    Main-line tools 5:40 - 6:15
    Pervasive tools 6:15 - 6:50
    Infrastructure tools 6:50 - 7:25
  6. Monday (next week) tool review presentations -- REVISED
    Review of Persons Assigned Time
    Software Process Tools Ying-Pong, Yajun 5:40 - 5:50
    Software Traceability Tools Bob 5:50 - 6:00
    Visual (Process) Programming Tools Alredo, J.T. 6:00 - 6:10
    Software Requirements Tools Joe, Paul 6:10 - 6:20
    Software Prototyping Tools Sharon, Ryan 6:20 - 6:40
    Software Design Tools Margaret, Ahmed 6:40 - 6:50
    Graphical Software Debugging Tools Luke, Eric 6:50 - 7:00
    Software Configuration Management and Version Control Tools John, Alan 7:00 - 7:10
    Software Testing Tools Kathryn, Jim 7:10 - 7:20
    Software Project Administration Tools Don, Peter 7:20 - 7:30
    Full Software Environment Tools Scott, Gene Wednesday
    Note: The schedule has been revised by moving Alfredo and J.T. up from 6:50 to 6:00, and shifting others down.