Specification Change Orders

Specification Change Orders

No. Date Spec Section Description Approvals Updated?
1 5jan00 2.X.Y P5 This section has two clerical errors: ... . XX,YY NO

The following are instructions for using this template; delete these instructions after installation of this file.
  1. Store a copy of this file in the project administration directory, under the name scos.html.
  2. For each SCO, add a new table row in the table format given above.
  3. For the No. field, put the number of the SCO, starting from 1.
  4. For the Date field, enter the date that the SCO was initially recorded, using the same ddmmmyy date format as described in ./meeting-minutes-template.html.
  5. For the Spec Section field, provide the number of the affected section of the requirements specification, down to the individual paragraph number if necessary. The section/paragraph number should link to the actual section in the requirements specification document.
  6. For the Description field, provide a description of the change(s) to be made.
  7. When the SCO is approved, enter the initials of the group leader and overall project leader (Fisher) in the Approvals field,
  8. For the Updated? field, enter "YES" or "NO" to indicate if the change described in this table entry has been made in the design group's copy of the requirements specification document.