CSC 509 Milestone 2

CSC 509 Milestone 2
Initial Design

ISSUED: Wednesday, 12 January 2000
DUE: Monday, 24 January 2000

Work on design tasks as itemized below.

Group/Individual                     Task
Infrastructure (librarian: Fisher)
  Process Nav:
    Fisher                           Finish       artifact.rsl,       process.rsl,
  Artifact Nav:
    Klo                              1) Continue design of Box/Arrow component; 2)
                                     assist Metzger on design of Artifact
  Artifact Repository:
    Metzger                          1) Derive model classes for Artifact, based
                                     on latest revision of artifact.rsl; 2) begin
                                     design of ArtifactRepository to support all

Main Line (librarian: Sparling)
  Requirements: Cram, Sosinski       Derive  Requirements  Tool  model  and   view
                                     classes from requirements spec.
    Ames                             Define model class for jfig, and Java 2D
                                     wrapper class to support Klo's box/arrow
    Lanaghan                         Complete requirements.

  Design: Magdub                     Derive  Design  Tool  model  and view classes
                                     from requirements spec.

    Sparling                         Define   Interpreter   and   Symtab   process
                                     classes,  based  on existing .h files and new
                                     Java classes.
    Wasito                           Derive Implementation Tool model and view
                                     classes from requirements spec.

Pervasive (librarian: Bruno)
  Testing: Bruno, Chen, Chen         Derive Testing Tool model and view classes
                                     from requirements spec.

  Config: Fricks, Gilkeson, Macias   Derive Testing Tool model and view classes
                                     from requirements spec.

  Admin: Ashford, Huang, Maddy       Derive Testing Tool model and view classes
                                     from requirements spec.