CSC 509 Course Syllabus

CSC 509: Software Engineering II


Gene Fisher (
Office: 14-210
Office Hours: MF 1-2PM, W 12-1PM, Tu 9-11AM

Course Objectives

Course Materials

Course materials consist of the following:


CSC 509 is the second in a two-quarter sequence during which we will analyze,
specify, design, implement, and test, a software development environment (SDE)
for use by CSC 205/206 students.  In the first quarter of work (CSC 508), we
focused on requirements analysis and specification, of the proposed SDE.  In
the second quarter (CSC 509), we will design, implement, and functionally test
the SDE.

Depending on class interests, we will work in project groups of varying sizes,
typically around three people per group.  People continuing from CSC 508 may
continue to work on the tools they specified, or move to another area.

Design Project Milestones

  1. Review, inspection test, and prioritize 508 requirements specification; develop initial SCOs.
  2. Derive subsystem designs and design inter-subsystem communication (design steps A and B).
  3. Refine subsystem designs data and control (design steps C through G)
  4. Implement model and view components
  5. Refine process components of the design
  6. Implement process components.


If you do a reasonable amount of work and participate in class discussions, you will receive an A. If you do a mediocre amount of work but contribute some, you will receive a B. If you do not do much work at all, you will receive a C. If you do no work whatsoever, you will receive an F. Computer Work
We will be using the HP cobra and garden clusters, galaxy/phoenix, and kdat.

Lecture and Exam Schedule

The first two weeks will be a review of the 206/509 design process. Week 3 will be an introduction to the InterViews GUI toolkit. Subsequent lectures will consists of project group meetings, design discussions, and formal design reviews. There are no formal examinations in the class.