CSC 509 Lecture Notes Week 2

CSC 509 Lecture Notes Week 2
High-Level Inferno Design;
Rolodex MVP Design Example

The "Big Picture" -- Some High-Level Inferno Design

  1. Inferno subsystem diagram (see Figure 1)

    Figure 1: Inferno subsystem diagram.

    1. The Process Manager provides an instantiated process to the navigators and pervasive tools.
    2. The Top-Level Navigators provide artifacts to tools when they are launched.
    3. The main-line and pervasive tools manage their own specific artifacts.
    4. Support for displaying and editing textual representations of artifacts is provided by the Text Editor.
    5. Support for displaying and editing graphical representations of artifacts is provided by the Graphics Editor.
    6. Support for internal program representations and for execution of scripts and programs is provided by the Interpreter.
    7. The Artifact Repository houses the complete collection of artifacts.

  2. High-level data diagram (see Figure 2)

    Figure 2: Inferno subsystem diagram.

    1. Model is the top-level parent class for all tools.
    2. ToolModel is an intermediate parent class.
      1. Serialize transforms the internal artifact representation into a form suitable for storing on an external medium.
      2. Deserialize transforms a previously serialized artifact.
      3. AddMenu specializes the tool menubar with a tool-specific menu.
      4. RemoveMenu deletes a tool-specific menu.
      5. GainFocus gives UI focus to a tool.
      6. LoseFocus gives focus back to the top-level Inferno tool.
    3. Individual tools, including the top-level Inferno tool, inherit from ToolModel.
    4. The top-level Inferno tool contains a reference to all instantiated tools.
    5. At startup, it constructs the tools, the repository, and launches the default user tool (currently the process navigator.

    The "Smaller Picture" -- Rolodex MVP Design Example

  3. Design of the simple electronic rolodex
    1. In these notes we will examine the design of the simple rolodex system that was the subject of the formal specification primer in 508.
    2. In this example, we see an illustration of the design derivation step of the design process, as well as details of design refinement based on the Model View Process (MVP) design technique.

  4. Basic Description of the MVP technique
    1. The Model is the part of the design that is directly traceable to the specification.
    2. The View consists of concrete UI module(s).
    3. The Process is the underlying support module(s) that provide the functions that the model needs to call to get the work done.
    4. In the rolodex example, we'll see only model and view for now.

  5. Support for MVP design in Java (and C++).
    1. To provide support for standard designs, there are pre-defined classes Model and View from which all model and view classes will inherit.
      1. These are located in
      2. Examples will be discussed in the context of the rolodex design later in the notes. The rolodex project in
        contains all the example files discussed in these notes.
      3. There is a sample Makefile that can be used a template for constructing Java programs on UNIX systems; it is in
    2. Details of view design are supported by the Java GUI library, known as the Swing package.
      1. This package is a standard part of all Java 2 interpreters.
      2. The definitive documentation source for the Java API, including the Swing Package, is
        (This Java API document was generated using javadoc, which we will use to generate our .html files stored in the project design directories.)
      3. Note that we will not use the older Java AWT (Abstract Window Toolkit) package; Swing supersedes AWT.

  6. Excerpts from the rolodex requirements
    1. Figures 2, 3, and 4 are snapshots of the simple rolodex tool GUI.

    Figure 3: Top-Level Rolodex Interface.


    Figure 4: Dialog for Adding a Rolodex Card.


    Figure 5: Dialogs for Finding, Changing, or Deleting a Card.


  7. Excerpts from the rolodex specification
    1. The following pages are the formal specification of primary module for the rolodex system.
    2. The module defines the main rolodex objects and the operations that appear on the Edit pulldown menu.
    3. Two additional modules not shown here are file.rsl and edit, which define the operations on the File and Edit menus.
    4. Here is the rolodex specification module:
         1  (****
         2   *
         3   * Module Rolodex defines the main Rolodex object, its component objects, and
         4   * the rolodex editing operations.
         5   *
         6   *)
         8  module Rolodex;
        10    export Rolodex, Card, Name;
        12    object Rolodex is
        13      components: Card*;
        14      description: (*
        15          A Roldex is a collection of cards.
        16      *);
        17    end Rolodex;
        19    object Card is
        20      components: n:Name and id:Id and age:Age and s:Sex and addr:Address;
        21      description: (*
        22          A Card contains the information for a person stored in a Rolodex: name,
        23          id, age, sex, and street address.
        24      *);
        25    end Card;
        27    object Name is string;
        28    object Id is integer;
        29    object Age is integer;
        30    object Sex is Male or Female;
        31    object Male;
        32    object Female;
        33    object Address is string;
        35    operation Add
        36      inputs: r:Rolodex, c:Card;
        37      outputs: r':Rolodex;
        39      description: (*
        40          Add the given card to the given rolodex if a card of the same id is not
        41          already there.
        42      *);
        44      precondition:
        45          (*
        46           * There is no card in the input Rolodex with the same id as the given
        47           * input card.
        48           *)
        49          not CardAlreadyThere(c, r)
        51              and
        53          (*
        54           * The values of the given card fields are valid.
        55           *)
        56          CardIsValid(c);
        58      postcondition:
        59          (*
        60           * A card is in the output rolodex iff it is in the input rolodex or
        61           * it's the new card to be added.
        62           *)
        63          forall (c':Card)
        64              (c' in r') iff ((c' in r) or (c' = c));
        66    end Add;
        68    operation Delete
        69      inputs: r:Rolodex, id:Id;
        70      outputs: r':Rolodex;
        72      description: (*
        73          Delete the card of the given id from the given rolodex.
        74      *);
        76      precondition:
        77          (*
        78           * There is a card of the given id in the input Rolodex.
        79           *)
        80          exists (c' in r) c'.id = id;
        82      postcondition:
        83          (*
        84           * A card is in the output rolodex iff it is in the input rolodex and
        85           * its id is different than the given id.
        86           *)
        87          forall (c':Card)
        88              (c' in r') iff ((c' in r) and (c'.id != id));
        90    end Delete;
        92    operation Change
        93      inputs: r:Rolodex, id:Id, c:Card;
        94      outputs: r':Rolodex;
        95      description: (*
        96          Change the card of the given id in the given rolodex to the given new
        97          card.
        98      *);
       100      precondition:
       101          (*
       102           * There is a card of the given id in the input Rolodex, and that card
       103           * is not identical with the given input card, and the given card is
       104           * valid (as for Add).
       105           *)
       106          exists (c' in r) (c'.id = id) and (c' != c) and CardIsValid(c);
       109      postcondition:
       110          (*
       111           * A card is in the output rolodex iff it is in the input rolodex and
       112           * is not the card with the given id in the input rolodex, or it's the
       113           * given input card.
       114           *)
       115          forall (c':Card)
       116              (c' in r') iff (((c' in r) and
       117                  (not exists (c'' in r) (c''.id = id) and (c'' = c'))) or
       118                  (c' = c));
       120    end Change;
       122    operation Find
       123      inputs: r:Rolodex, n:Name;
       124      outputs: cl:Card*;
       125      description: (*
       126          Find all of the cards of the given name in the given rolodex.
       127      *);
       128      postcondition:
       130          (*
       131           * Cards in the output list consist of those in the input Rolodex with
       132           * the given name.
       133           *)
       134          forall (c:Card)
       135              (c in cl) iff ((c in r) and (c.n = n))
       137              and
       139          (*
       140           * If the the output card list has more than one card, it is sorted in
       141           * ascending order by card id.
       142           *)
       143          if (#cl > 1) then
       144              forall (i:integer | (i >= 1) and (i < #cl))
       145                  cl[i].id < cl[i+1].id;
       147    end Find;
       149    function CardAlreadyThere(c:Card, r:Rolodex)->boolean =
       150      not (exists (c' in r) c'.id =;
       152    function CardIsValid(c: Card)->boolean =
       154      (*
       155       * The length of the name is <= 30 characters.
       156       *)
       157      (#(c.n) <= 30)
       159          and
       161      (*
       162       * The length (i.e, numer of digits) of the id is 9.
       163       *)
       164      (#( = 9)
       166          and
       168      (*
       169       * The age is a reasonable range.
       170       *)
       171      ((c.age >= 0) and (c.age <= 200))
       173          and
       175      (*
       176       * The length of the address is <= 40 chars.
       177       *)
       178      (#(c.addr) < 40);
       180  end Rolodex;

  8. Deriving and refining the specification into the design
    1. Applying the derivation and refinement steps of the design process presented in Lecture Notes Week 1 results in the classes that trace directly to the preceding RSL specification.
    2. Here are derived and refined classes for Rolodex, Card, and Name.
         1  /**
         2   *
         3   * Class Rolodex is the model class for the basic rolodex object, including the
         4   * edit operations to add, delete, change, and find rolodex entries.
         5   *
         6   */
         8  public class Rolodex implements Model {
        10      /*-*
        11       * Public Functions
        12       */
        14      /**
        15       * Construct an initially empty rolodex.  Initialize the error objects for
        16       * each function that throws an exception.
        17       *                                                                   <pre>
        18       * post: (exists (CardList cl) (this'.cl == cl) and (cl.Len() == 0))
        19       *           and
        20       *       (exists (AddInputErrors aie) (this'.aie == aie));
        21       *           and
        22       *       (exists (DeleteInputError die) (this'.die == die));
        23       *           and
        24       *       (exists (ChangeInputErrors cie) (this'.cie == cie));
        25       *                                                                   </pre>
        26       */
        27      public Rolodex(View v) {}
        29      /**
        30       * Add the given card to this if a card of the same id is not already there
        31       * and there is room for another card.
        32       *                                                                   <pre>
        33       * pre:
        34       *      // There is no card in the input this with the same id as the given
        35       *      // input card.
        36       *      not CardAlreadyThere(c)
        37       *
        38       *          and
        39       *
        40       *      // The values of the given card fields are valid.
        41       *      CardIsValid(c)
        42       *
        43       *          and
        44       *
        45       *      // There is room for another card.
        46       *      (cl.Len() < MAXCARDS)
        47       *
        48       * post:
        49       *      // If none of the preconditions is violated, then a normal
        50       *      // postcondition holds, else an exception is thrown.
        51       *      if (not AddPrecondsViolated(c)) (
        52       *          // A card is in the output this iff it is in the input this or
        53       *          // it's the new card to be added.
        54       *          forall (Card c') this'.In(c') iff (In(c') or (c' == c))
        55       *
        56       *              and
        57       *
        58       *          // The size of this is increased by 1.
        59       *          (cl'.Length() == cl.Length() + 1)
        60       *      )
        61       *      else (
        62       *          // An AddInputException is thrown if any of the preconditions
        63       *          // is violated.  The value of the exception flag is set for
        64       *          // each violated precondition via the ValidataAddInput
        65       *          // function.
        66       *          (throw == aie) and (aie == ValidateAddInput(c));
        67       *                                                                   </pre>
        68       */
        69      public void add(Card c) {}
        71      /**
        72       * Delete the card of the given id from this.
        73       *                                                                   <pre>
        74       * pre:
        75       *      // There is a card of the given id in the input this.
        76       *      exists (Card c' | In(c')) c'.getId() == id;
        77       *
        78       * post:
        79       *      // If the precondition is not violated, then a normal postcondition
        80       *      // holds, else an exception is thrown.
        81       *      if (DeletePrecondViolated(c)) then (
        82       *          // A card is in the output this iff it is in the input this and
        83       *          // its id is different than the given id.
        84       *          forall (Card c')
        85       *              this'.In(c') iff (In(c') and (c'.id != id));
        86       *      )
        87       *      else
        88       *          // A DeleteInputException is thrown if the precondition is
        89       *          // violated.
        90       *          throw == die;
        91       *                                                                   </pre>
        92       */
        93      public void delete(Id id) {}
        95      /**
        96       * Change the card of the given id in this to the given new card.
        97       *
        98       *                                                                   <pre>
        99       * pre:
       100       *      // There is a card of the given id in the input this and that card
       101       *      // is not identical with the given input card, and the given card
       102       *      // is valid.
       103       *      exists (Card c' | In(c') (c'.getId() == id) and
       104       *          (c' != c) and CardIsValid(c);
       105       *
       106       * post:
       107       *      // If the precondition is not violated, then a normal postcondition
       108       *      // holds, else an exception is thrown.
       109       *      if (ChangePrecondViolated(c)) then (
       110       *          // A card is in the output this iff it is in the input this and
       111       *          // is not the card with the given id in the input this, or it's
       112       *          // the given input card.
       113       *          forall (Card c')
       114       *              this'.In(c') iff (In(c') and
       115       *                  (not exists (Card c'' | In(c''))
       116       *                      (c''.getId() == id) and (c'' == c')) or
       117       *                  (c' == c))
       118       *      )
       119       *      else
       120       *          // A ChangeInputException is thrown if the precondition is
       121       *          // violated.
       122       *          throw == cie;
       123       *                                                                   </pre>
       124       */
       125      public void change(Id id, Card c) {}
       127      /**
       128       * Find all of the cards of the given name in this.
       129       *                                                                   <pre>
       130       * post:
       131       *      // Cards in the output list consist of those in the input this with
       132       *      // the given name.
       133       *      forall (Card c)
       134       *           (cl.In(c) iff (In(c) and (c.getName() == n))
       135       *
       136       *          and
       137       *
       138       *      // The output card list is sorted by ascending order of card id.
       139       *      forall (int i, int j |
       140       *          (i >= 1) and (i <= cl.Length()) and
       141       *                  (j >= 1) and (j <= cl.Length()))
       142       *              if i < j then
       143       *                  cl.get(i).getId() < cl.get(j).getId();
       144       *                                                                   </pre>
       145       */
       146      public CardList find(Name n) {}
       148      /**
       149       * Print this to stdout.  In the current design, the specs are the same as
       150       * Dump below, q.v.  In general, if there is a distinction between Print
       151       * and Dump it is that the former produces a more nicely formated output
       152       * than the latter.
       153       */
       154      public void print() {}
       156      /**
       157       * Dump this to stdout by dumping each card, in List.iterator order.
       158       */
       159      public void dump() {}
       162      /**
       163       * View Service functions.  These are functions that provide data
       164       * manipulation services to the views that the views cannot know how to
       165       * implement.
       166       */
       168      /**
       169       * Convert to the given string to one of the Sex enumeration literals.  The
       170       * String value must be all lower case and only the first character is
       171       * significant, i.e., "m*" or "f*".  If s is not one of these values,
       172       * Female is returned.
       173       *                                                                   <pre>
       174       * post: if (s[1] == "m") then return == Male else return == Female
       175       *                                                                   </pre>
       176       */
       177      public Sex stringToSex(String s) {}
       179      /**
       180       * Convert to the given Sex enumeration literal to an lowercase string.
       181       *                                                                   <pre>
       182       * post: if (s == Mail) then return == "m" else return == "f"
       183       *                                                                   </pre>
       184       */
       185      String sexToString(Sex s) {}
       188      /*-*
       189       * Protected Functions
       190       */
       192      /**
       193       * Validate the given card per the precondition of Add.  Return the
       194       * appropriately set AddInputErrors value.  See the definition of
       195       * AddInputErrors for further information.
       196       */
       197      protected AddInputErrors validateAddInput(Card c) {}
       200      /*-*
       201       * Data Members
       202       */
       204      /** Simple list rep'n of the card list */
       205      protected CardList cl;
       207      /** Error messages for the Add function */
       208      protected AddInputErrors aie;
       210      /** Error message for the Delerte function */
       211      protected DeleteInputError die;
       213      /** Error messages for the Change function */
       214      protected ChangeInputErrors cie;
       217      /**
       218       * Auxiliary spec functions.
       219       *
       220       * boolean cardAlreadyThere(Card c) {
       221       *      not (exists (Card c' | In(c'))
       222       *              c'.getId() == c.getId())
       223       * }
       224       *
       225       * boolean cardIsValid(Card c) {
       226       *      // The length of the name is <= 30 characters
       227       *      (c.getName().Length() <= 30);
       228       *
       229       *          and
       230       *
       231       *      // The length (i.e, numer of digits) of the id is 9
       232       *      c.getId().toString.Length() == 9)
       233       *
       234       *          and
       235       *
       236       *      // Age is a reasonable range
       237       *      ((c.getAge() >= 0) and (c.getAge() <= 200))
       238       *
       239       *          and
       240       *
       241       *      // Sex is valid
       242       *      (c.getSex() != InvalidSex)
       243       *
       244       *          and
       245       *
       246       *      // The length of the address is <= 40 chars
       247       *      (c.getAddr() < 40)
       248       *
       249       * }
       250       *
       251       * boolean addPrecondsViolated(Card c) {
       252       *     cardAlreadyThere(c) or (not cardIsValid(c));
       253       * }
       254       *
       255       * boolean deletePrecondViolated(Card c) {
       256       *     not (exists (Card c' | In(c')) c'.getId() == id)
       257       * }
       258       *
       259       * boolean changePrecondViolated(Card c) {
       260       *     not (exists (Card c' | In(c')) (c'.getId() == id) and
       261       *                                          (c' != c));
       262       * }
       263       *
       264       * boolean in(Card c);
       265       * // Return true if the given card is anywhere in this.
       266       *     Find(c) != null
       267       *
       268       */
       270  };
         1  /**
         2   *
         3   * Class Card is the model class for the Card object.  A Card contains the
         4   * basic information for a person stored in a Rolodex: name, SSN id, age, sex,
         5   * and street address.
         6   *
         7   */
         9  public class Card implements Model {
        11      /*-*
        12       * Public Functions
        13       */
        15      /**
        16       * Construct a card with the given field values.  Note that no validity
        17       * checking of the given values is performed here.  Rather, input value
        18       * checking is done in the Rolodex::Add function, q.v.
        19       *
        20       * post: (this.n == n) and ( == id) and (this.age == age) and
        21       *       (this.s == s) and (this.addr == addr);
        22       */
        23      public Card(Name n, Id id, Age age, Sex s, Address addr) {}
        26      /*-*
        27       * Field access  functions.
        28       */
        30      /**
        31       * Return the name of this.
        32       *                                                                   <pre>
        33       * post: return == n;
        34       *                                                                   </pre>
        35       */
        36      public Name getName() {}
        38      /**
        39       * Return the id of this.
        40       *                                                                   <pre>
        41       * post: return == id;
        42       *                                                                   </pre>
        43       */
        44      public Id getId() {}
        46      /**
        47       * Return the age of this.
        48       *
        49       * post: return == age;
        50       */
        51      public Age getAge() {}
        53      /**
        54       * Return the sex of this.
        55       *
        56       * post: return == s;
        57       */
        58      public Sex getSex() {}
        60      /**
        61       * Return the name of this.
        62       *
        63       * post: return == addr;
        64       */
        65      public Address getAddr() {}
        67      /*
        68       * Return true if this is deep equal to the given card , i.e. card all of
        69       * the fields of this are equal to all of the fields of the given card.
        70       *
        71       * post: (this.n == c.n) and ( == and
        72       *       (this.age == c.age) and (this.s == c.s) and
        73       *       (this.addr == c.addr);
        74       */
        75      public Boolean equal(Card c) {}
        77      /*
        78       * Print this to stdout.  In the current design, the specs are the same as
        79       * Dump below, q.v.  In general, if there is a distinction between Print
        80       * and Dump it is that the former produces a more nicely formated output
        81       * than the latter.
        82       */
        83      public void print() {}
        85      /**
        86       * Dump this to stdout.
        87       *
        88       * post: (stdout == "Name: " + n + "0 +
        89       *                  "Id: " + id + "0 +
        90       *                  "Age: " + age + "0 +
        91       *                  "Sex: " + s + "0 +
        92       *                  "Addr: " + addr + "0)
        93       */
        94      public void dump() {}
        97      /*-*
        98       * Data Members
        99       */
       101      /** Person name and record search key */
       102      protected Name n;
       104      /** Person id and unique record key */
       105      protected Id id;
       107      /** Person age */
       108      protected Age age;
       110      /** Person sex */
       111      protected Sex s;
       113      /** Person street address */
       114      protected Address addr;
       116  }
         1  /**
         2   *
         3   * Class Name is the heavyweight translation of the RSL atomic object
         4   * definition
         5   *
         6   *     object Name is string;
         7   *
         8   * A lighter-weight class definition would have just a single public string
         9   * data member.  A wimped-out translation is to eliminate the mnemonic
        10   * identifier "Name" entirely from the design, replacing it directly with type
        11   * String.
        12   *
        13   */
        15  public class Name {
        16      public Name(String value) {this.value = new String(value);}
        17      public String getValue() {return value;}
        18      protected String value;
        19  }

  9. Details of deriving and refining formal specifications.
    1. Formal preconditions and postconditions appear in the RSL specification in a reasonably standard form of predicate logic.
    2. When specification operations are refined into design functions, this logic must be translated into a form suitable for use in Java.
    3. In addition, as new functions are designed, they too should be formally specified.
    4. These formal specifications will subsequently be used to develop the functional test plans for the implementation.
    5. Here are the conventions for formal specification language to use with Java methods:
      1. The return keyword is used as a value not as a control construct.
      2. The if, then and else keywords are used as expression operators not as control constructs.
        1. To be precise, the following Java if-then-else expression
          if X then Y else Z
          is semantically equivalent to the following standard Java expression
          X ? Y : Z
        2. The following if expression
          if X then Y
          is semantically equivalent to no standard Java expression, since Java always requires the "else" part of and if-then-else expression.
        3. Therefore, the elseless if-then expression above is equivalent to the following Java
          X ? Y : null
          for all types for which null is a legitimate value.
      3. The "prime" notation is added, where x means call-state value of x and x' means return-state value of x. The prime suffix can only be appended to function parameters or to accessible data members within parameters.
      4. Single-assignment bindings are provided in the following form:
        name := expression
        1. For example, the binding
          X := Y
          is semantically equivalent to the following standard C/C++ macro definition:
          #define X Y
          where X must be a syntactically legal Java identifier and Y must be a syntactically and semantically legal expression within the scope where the binding appears.
        2. Given the restriction noted above for the prime suffix, a bound name cannot be appended with a prime.
      5. Universal and existential quantifiers are supplied, with the following syntax:
        forall ( simple-declarator-list [ | expression1 ] ) expression2

        exists ( simple-declarator-list [ | expression1 ] ) expression2

        The universal quantification form is read "for all variables declared in the simple-declarator-list such that expression1 is true, expression2 is true", and the "such that expression1 clause is optional. The existential form is read similarly.
      6. The in operator is added for testing if a value is the value of at least one element of an array.
      7. The freed is a predicate to test if an object's storage has been freed (note that this is rarely used in Java).
      8. An "idealized" Java syntax for declaring preconditions and postconditions is as follows:
          MethodHeader PrePostConditionsopt MethodBody

        PrePostConditions: Bindingsopt Preconditionopt Postcondition

        where multiple bindings are separated by semicolons.

        For example

        int F(int x, int y);
            pre: (x <= 0) && (y >= 100);
            post: return == x+y;
        int G(Integer i, Integer j);
            let:  x := i + j;
                  y := i - j;
                  z := x * y;
                  w := i' + j';
            pre:  x < y;
            post: (x < y) &&
                  (return == z + w);
        int H(Integer i, Integer j, int k) {
            i = i+j;
            return i * k;
            post: (i' == i+j) &&
                  (j' == j) &&
                  (return == i' * k);
      9. Since there is no existing Java compiler that will recognize this idealized syntax, pre- and postconditions must be included in the Java comments for each method.
        1. The example above for the Rolodex class shows the format of pre- and postconditions with Java method comments
        2. Note the use of the preformatting HTML tags surrounding the pre- and postcondition comment text (e.g., on lines 17 and 25 of the Rolodex class definitions.
        3. These tags ensure that pre- and postconditions are readable in the HTML files generated by Javadoc.

  10. High-level rolodex design diagrams
    1. Figure 6 shows a high-level class diagram for rolodex model and view classes.
    2. Figure 7 shows the top-level function diagram for the rolodex tool.

    Figure 6: Top-level rolodex data design.


    Figure 7: Top-level rolodex function design.


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