CSC 509 Handouts

CSC 509

General Class Handouts:

  • assignment 1 [ pdf , html ] -- a paper of interest

  • assignment 2 [ pdf , html ] -- readings on formal methods in testing; selection of class project

  • assignment 3 [ pdf , html ] -- presentation of planned class project

  • assignment 4 [ pdf , html ] -- read a seminal paper, discuss it in class, answer a couple questions about

  • assignment 5 [ pdf , html ] -- read two recent papers; discuss them in class; answer some questions about them

  • assignment 6 [ pdf , html ] -- read two final papers; discuss them in class; answer some questions about them

  • assignment 7 [ pdf , html ] -- final presentation of class project

  • assignment 8 [ pdf , html ] -- final class project

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