CSC 509 Assignment 3:

Presentation of Planned Class Project

Presentation: Monday 28 April or Wednesday 30 April, during class
Slides: Posted on the 509 Wiki any time prior to your presentation

Assignment Work

Based on your project abstract for Assignment 2 and the in-class discussions we had on Wednesday 23 April, present your planned project for the class. The following is the presentation time table for Monday and Wednesday of week 5 of class, 28 and 30 April:

Presenter(s) Presentation Time
Tim & Travis 2:10 - 2:34 Monday
Tag 2:34 - 2:46 Monday
Alex 2:46 - 2:58 Monday
Kevin 2:58 - 3:10 Monday
Jeff & Halli 3:10 - 3:34 Monday
Fisher 3:34 - 3:58 Monday
Rini 2:10 - 2:22 Wednesday
Corrigan 2:22 - 2:34 Wednesday
Spencer & Pooja 2:34 - 2:58 Wednesday
Adin 2:58 - 3:10 Wednesday
Haikal 3:10 - 3:22 Wednesday
John 3:22 - 3:34 Wednesday
Austin 3:34 - 3:46 Wednesday
Kyle & Bria 3:46 - 4:02 Wednesday

For the content of your presentation, cover the following two areas in approximately the first and second halves of the talk:

  1. project background, including review of the relevant literature

  2. project activities, including relevant diagrams, illustrations, examples, or other content-specific supporting material

Aside from these general guidelines, the content details are up to you.


Sometime before your presentation in class, post your slides and any additional supporting material you may have. The additional supporting material is optional. See the instructions at the wiki site for details of the posting procedure. The procedure is very much the same as for other posts you've done there.