CSC 530, Spring 2002
Gene Fisher
Weeks 1 and 2:
- course syllabus -- introductory description of the course
- readings -- table of contents for the course readings
- assignment 0 -- lisp warm-up exercises
- assignment 1 -- operational semantics of lisp
- lecture notes week 1 -- introduction to the course; introduction to lisp
- lecture notes week 2 -- discussion of assignment 1; topics from the lisp primer; topics from part 1 of the readings
- lisp-primer -- a lisp primer for C and Java programmers
- course readings -- table of contents for the course readings
Week 3:
- assignment 2 -- adding type checking to the basic lisp interpreter of assignment 1
- lecture notes week 3 -- a brief review of lambda calculus; introduction to programming language type systems
- lecture notes week 3, part 2 -- discussion of assignments 1 and 2; more on type theory
Week 4:
- lecture notes week 4 -- introduction to the formal semantics of programming languages; introduction to attribute grammars
Week 5:
- lecture notes week 5 -- more on formal semantics with attribute grammars to attribute grammars
Week 6:
- Assignment 3 (pdf only) -- formal semantics problem set
- Lecture Notes Week 6 (pdf only) -- discussion of assignment 3, questions 1 and 2; introduction to denotational semantics
Week 7:
Lecture Notes Week 7 (pdf only) -- more on tennent-style denotational semantics semantics
Week 8 :
- Assignment 4 -- adding advanced features to the lisp interpreter
- Week 8, beginning of Week 9 (pdf only) -- wrap up of denotational semantics; introduction to axiomatic semantics semantics
Week 10 :
- Lecture Notes Week 10 (start at end of Week 9) -- algebraic semantics
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