CSC 530
Description of Assignment 2 Testing Files

7may02 Update: The tests.xl file has been fixed to be consistent with array indexing starting at 0, not 1.

File Description
tests.xl This is the actual test data file that your completed version of xeval and xcheck should read and evaluate. See below for further details on how to read it in.
read-xeval-print.l This is the utility file for testing your xeval function interactively. It has the same functionality as read-xeval-print for assignment 1, expect instead of initializing the alist to nil, it initializes it with the preloaded built-in functions. The function that computes the preload list is defined preload-built-ins.l, q.v.
read-xcheck-print.l This is the utility file for testing your xcheck function interactively. It has the same functionality as read-xeval-print, but it calls xcheck instead of xeval. Also, the line prompt is "XC>" instead of "X>".
readfile-xeval-print.l and
The file-oriented versions of read-x{eval,check}-print.
preload-built-ins.l This file defines the preload-built-ins function, which preloads the alist with all of the built-in types and functions. See the comments at the top of the file for further details. Also, examine the alist dump in x{eval,check}-test-demo for a concrete view of the preloaded components of the alist.
xeval-test-demo and
These files show what correct test output scripts look like for xeval and xcheck, respectively. These files were generated by running the completed version of the assignment using the readfile-x... functions with the xtest.xl data. There are dumps of the alist that provide a concrete view of what your alist can look like. As for assignment 1, the format of your alist may be different than the one that appears here, but the semantics must be the same, such that all of the output value results are the same as those in xeval demo files. For the xcheck results, minor variations in the format of the xcheck error messages are acceptable.

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