CSC 590 Assignment 4 -- Validation Framework for Your Thesis

DUE: on or before 7PM Friday 13 June (Finals Week)


In this assignment you are designing a validation framework for the work of your thesis. The specifics of the framework depend on the type thesis you are pursuing.

As noted in the thesis evaluation criteria we have used, the following types of thesis are typical at Cal Poly:

Since the work of your thesis is ongoing, the details of your evaluation framework will most likely not be fully determined this quarter. What you are doing in this assignment is thinking up front about how you plan to do the evaluation. This may involve more than one approach to consider, with the specific validation approach to be determined as your thesis research evolves.

Given these observations, the format of the deliverable for this assignment is non-specific. The general guidelines are these:


See the forms of validation presented in the theses that were reviewed by you and other 590 colleagues for Assignment 2. See also the work done be previous 590 students posted on the 590 thesis examples page at

Turn-in Procedure

Submit your paper to the Assignment 4 PolyLearn site for CSC 590, on or before 7PM Friday 14 June (Finals Week). In addition to the "native" format of your paper, please also submit a PDF version. E.g., if you use MS Word for your paper, submit both the Word doc as well as a PDF version.

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