CSC 590 Lecture Notes Week 7
Validation of Thesis Work

  1. See again the Assignment 4 writeup.

  2. Where does validation go in a thesis?

    1. Most typically near the end, after your results are presented.

    2. An early chapter may outline the validation framework.

  3. Validation based on type of thesis.

    1. project -- execution of artifact, with quantifiable output results

    2. experimental -- conduct of experiment, with statistically analyzable results

    3. theoretical -- proof of postulated theory

    4. survey -- comparative analysis, using novel analytic framework

  4. Validation in the 590 Samples

    1. Python project.

      1. The experimentation is well set up, uses appropriate benchmarks, and gathers real data.

      2. A solid chapter 7 presents the experimental results.

      3. Unfortunately, the performance improvement goal was not achieved.

    2. Test-driven development experiment

      1. Chapter 1 states problem clearly.

      2. Chapter 3 thoroughly defines experimental design

      3. Chapter 4 present results, including thorough statistical analysis

    3. Lojban theoretical/project work.

      1. Given the highly-ambitious nature of the problem, validation is rather weak.

      2. Chapter 5 evaluations model compared to existing framework.

      3. Chapter 7 and App B present simple test cases, but the presentation is not thorough.

    4. Prototyping survey.

      1. Survey results and data analysis are covered well in Chapter 5.

      2. Uses well-known statistical techniques

    5. Codec survey.

      1. The evaluative analysis in Chapter 8 is good.

      2. The thesis presents a novel evaluation framework, compared to work of the time

  5. Validation of this Quarter's 590 Colleagues

    1. During class, we'll discuss the possibilities.