Easy Grade Pro
is a very professional and complete grading package that allows teachers to track attendance, grades, seating and standards. Though it does not have any unique features
its strength lies in the breadth of features it offers and the level of professionalism it maintains.
Good Features:
Reasonably customizable excel-like user interface
Graphs that indicate student or class performance
Information flow is well thought out: adding either students or assignments
is easy.
Extra credit integrated quite well.
Grade weighting can be applied at all levels and in various ways.
Method for grading (numbers, letters, percentages, whatever) quite flexible.
Assignments can be viewed or hidden by category or by individual assignment.
Limited ability to curve grades and observe effect on class.
Students can be sorted and found either by pre-defined common information or
customizable fields.
Automated creation of online database with password protection.
Attendance integrated, but not required by scoring system.
Can make notes on any assignment, student or specific score.
Generally slick and intuitive to learn.
With few exceptions, features do what you need and nothing else.
Bad Features:
Can edit only one class at once with limited ability to coordinate between
Weighting system doesn't seem to function on some levels.
Grade Curving system awkward and limited.
Seating system is too limited to be of much more use than a paper chart.
Few context sensitive menus: clicking on students always offers information
about grades, even if I'd be more interested in attendance on this screen.
Column and row arrangement static.
Few graphical ways to display data.
Only one level of categories for gradable items.
Missing Features:
No support for different sections of the same class.
No graphical method for curving grades and no way to curve multiple classes
/ sections at once.
No support for students belonging to groups other than classes (project
groups, class levels).