Requirements Specification Prototype Design Implementation Testing Administration Documentation

2.6.3 Expand and Collapse

Easy Grader offers a layout that is easy to mangage. The User can choose whither or not they want to see the data contained in each catagory. The User carries out this management through right-click functionality.

In Figure 1 you can see the menu produced when the User right-clicks on the "Program 1" grade item. After selecting the "Collapse" option the Grade Sheet changes to the one displayed in Figure 2. The first and last letter of the catagory is listed, but the ful name is omitted to save space.
Figure 1
Figure 2

Changing the Grade Sheet back to its origional state is occomplised in the same way, shown in Figure 3. After Choosing to "Expand" Program 1 (or "P1" as it appears now) the Greade Sheet will appear it did before "Collapse" was pressed in Figure 1.

In addition, the User can collapse higer level Catagories. The results of using "Collapse" on the "Programs" Catagory can be seen in Figure 4

Figure 3
Figure 4

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