2.8 Future Work

This section outlines some of the work that is not fully documented in the requirements. Some of the work is minimally documented, while some of it has not been considered at all at this point. Also, all changes that were made to the File Menu were not propagated throughout all of the requirements, but need to be in the future.

2.8.1 Master List

This has been a major point of contention for the class. All requirements were developed assuming that courses, instructors, and locations were stored in a master list that could be accessed by any user of the program. If the master list continues, the following things need to be further detailed:

2.8.2 Integration with PeopleSoft

Currently the functionality to upload to PeopleSoft and download from PeopleSoft is documented in the requirements, but there is no discussion of special cases.

2.8.3 Look and Feel

There might be a better way to emphasize the drag-and-drop look and feel. This will probably develop in the prototype based on usability tests with clients. The following are a couple look and feel related issues:

2.8.4 Document structure

How documents are stored is not discussed in the requirements. The following items have been mentioned and need to be addressed:

2.8.5 Merging

Towards the end of the quarter, it became more clear that a requirement to merge schedules needed to be implemented. Some things that need to be considered are: how conflicts are handled, how the master modifies the merge results, what this looks like from a user perspective.

2.8.6 Power User Language

Many clients outlined the desire for a more functional ability to change settings. They want to input powerful and intuitive constraint language that will change settings on a per department basis. This needs to be developed, and a manual for what language is accepted must be written.

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