This section addresses the potential impacts of implementing the scheduling software.
The software will be distributed in the form of an installation onto a department computer. This department computer will then act as the backbone for the software for use with that department. Each department using this software will need their own department computer dedicated to the task of being the software backbone. A problem with this setup is that when there is any upgrade available, a human is required to manually upgrade the software on the department computer.
If a department does not have a computer available to be used for the scheduler software, then there will be a problem of not having a computer to install onto.
Responsibility of keeping the software secure and out of reach of unauthorized people will be up to the departments themselves. Security will be a regular problem for the users. There may be a policy of never leaving unused computers turned on. In the case of the department computer dedicated to the scheduler software, it must be kept on.
The potential benefits of the scheduling software are increased convenience and efficiency in creating entire departmental schedules. The software will automatically consider preferences and requirements in its schedule generation.