1.2 System Personnel

This section lists all personnel involved with the development and formation of requirements for the Scheduler project.

1.2.1 CPE 402 Team Members

The following is a table of all students involved with the development of the scheduler during Fall 2011. Development will continue in the Winter and Spring of 2012 with a subset of the following students.

Name Email Name Email
Kian Feraidun Dinyari kfdinyar@calpoly.edu Eric Fong emfong@calpoly.edu
Michael Hilton hilton@calpoly.edu Tyler Holland tyhollan@calpoly.edu
Jacob Juszak jjuszak@calpoly.edu Eric Liebowitz eliebowi@calpoly.edu
Mike McMahon mamcmaho@calpoly.edu Salome Navarrete snavarre@calpoly.edu
Evan Ovadia eovadia@calpoly.edu James Pearson jmpearso@calpoly.edu
Jonathan Rawson jrawson@calpoly.edu Kaylene Scanlon krscanlo@calpoly.edu
Matt Schirle matt.schirle@gmail.com David Seltzer dseltzer@calpoly.edu
Michael James Soldner msoldner@calpoly.edu Jason Stewart jstewa01@calpoly.edu
Tyler Vitti tvitti@calpoly.edu Erik Wilkenson ekwilkin@calpoly.edu
Tyler L. Yero tyero@calpoly.edu    

1.2.2 Clients who received Fall 2011 mailings

The following is a table of all administrators who received a mailing describing the scheduling tool. The mailing described the goals of the scheduler project and outlined what involvement in the project would include.

Name Email Department Name Email Department
Chris Den Hartog cdenhart@calpoly.edu CLA-Political Science Eric Kasper ekasper@calpoly.edu CENG - Civil and Enviromental
Tess Ramirez tserna@calpoly.edu JOUR Druci Reese dreese@calpoly.edu MU
Dana Azevedo dazevedo@calpoly.edu IME Jill Victorino javictor@calpoly.edu FSN
Cynthia Moyer cmoyer@calpoly.edu CAFES-Recreation Prks & Tourism Neil Fleishon nfleisho@calpoly.edu PHYS
Kevin Kingsbury kkingsbu@calpoly.edu CSM-Chemistry & Biochemistry Francis Villablanca fvillabl@calpoly.edu Biological Sciences
Kathleen Severn kgsevern@calpoly.edu ENGL Shirley Huston shuston@calpoly.edu CSM-Kinesiology
Kellie Hall kghall@calpoly.edu CSM-Kinesiology Malcom Keif mkeif@calpoly.edu CLA-Graphic Communication
Dolores Flores mdflores@calpoly.edu BUS Suzy Black sublack@calpoly.edu CLA-Political Science
Eric Mehiel emehiel@calpoly.edu CENG-Aerospace Engineering Wayne Pilkington wpilking@calpoly.edu CENG-Electrical Engineering
Gary Laver glaver@calpoly.edu PSY Jessica Frazier jfrazier@calpoly.edu CHEM
Sheryl O'Neill soneill@calpoly.edu CSM-Mathematics Korla McFall kmcfall@calpoly.edu CLA-Graphic Communication

1.2.3 Clients who participated in initial interviews

The following is a table of all administrators that participated in the initial round of requirements interviews. Each person helped describe features that were then used to develop official requirements for the scheduler.

Name Email Department Name Email Department
Chris Den Hartog cdenhart@calpoly.edu CLA-Political Science Eric Kasper ekasper@calpoly.edu CENG - Civil and Enviromental
Tess Ramirez tserna@calpoly.edu JOUR Druci Reese dreese@calpoly.edu MU
Dana Azevedo dazevedo@calpoly.edu IME Jill Victorino javictor@calpoly.edu FSN
Cynthia Moyer cmoyer@calpoly.edu CAFES-Recreation Prks & Tourism Neil Fleishon nfleisho@calpoly.edu PHYS
Kevin Kingsbury kkingsbu@calpoly.edu CSM-Chemistry & Biochemistry Francis Villablanca fvillabl@calpoly.edu Biological Sciences
Kathleen Severn kgsevern@calpoly.edu ENGL Shirley Huston shuston@calpoly.edu CSM-Kinesiology
Kellie Hall kghall@calpoly.edu CSM-Kinesiology Malcom Keif mkeif@calpoly.edu CLA-Graphic Communication
Dolores Flores mdflores@calpoly.edu BUS Suzy Black sublack@calpoly.edu CLA-Political Science
Eric Mehiel emehiel@calpoly.edu CENG-Aerospace Engineering Wayne Pilkington wpilking@calpoly.edu CENG-Electrical Engineering
Gary Laver glaver@calpoly.edu PSY Jessica Frazier jfrazier@calpoly.edu CHEM
Sheryl O'Neill soneill@calpoly.edu CSM-Mathematics Korla McFall kmcfall@calpoly.edu CLA-Graphic Communication

1.2.4 Clients who participated in prototype interviews

The following is a table of all administrators that participated in the second round of interviews. These interviews were used to demonstrate an early version of the prototype in order to gather feedback for development.

Name Email Department Name Email Department
Dolores Flores flores@calpoly.edu BUS Chris Den Hartog cdenhart@calpoly.edu Political Science
Jill Victorino javictor@calpoly.edu FSN Eric Mehiel emehiel@calpoly.edu AERO
Eric Kasper ekasper@calpoly.edu CENG - Civil and Enviromental Druci Reese dreese@calpoly.edu MU
Sheryl O'Neill soneill@calpoly.edu MATH Gary Laver glaver@calpoly.edu PSY
Francis Villablanca fvillabl@calpoly.edu Biological Sciences Cynthia Moyer cmoyer@calpoly.edu Recreation, Parks, & Tourism

1.2.5 Students who participated in usability tests

The following is a list of students enrolled in CPE 308 that performed usability tests on the prototype. The data collected from these tests helped to point out issues with the prototype that were recorded and fixed in later versions.

  1. Adam, Timothey A.
  2. Alereza, Nicholas David
  3. Baldwin, Stephen C.
  4. Bussjaeger, Brandon Sonny
  5. Carroll, Kane Christopher
  6. Chamness, Nathaniel J.
  7. Crafts, Andrew R.
  8. Del Rosario, Christopher J.
  9. Fulgencio, Michael-Joseph Atienza
  10. Gandhi, Dhyan R.
  11. Gaydosh, Christopher
  12. Hain, Joseph M.
  13. Henry, Mark
  14. Jayaraman, Prashant
  15. Lawson, Geoffrey M.
  16. Li, Ken
  17. Lindahl, Erik
  18. Lokker, John Remington
  19. McKelvie, Ross A.
  20. Milster, Garrett L.
  21. Mitchell, DJ
  22. Nelson, Taylor James Benware
  23. Page, Brandon L.
  24. Revuelta, Juan
  25. Reyes, George Edward
  26. Soria, Thomas
  27. Starr, William T.
  28. Tarevern, Sr., Hormoz
  29. Thai, Son Duc
  30. Thurston, Lauren A.
  31. Tondreau, Matthew Merrill
  32. Tupas, Benjamin D.
  33. Wakamatsu, Christopher Shingo
  34. Zeller, Bradley R.

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