! ! Use linear interpolation to compute the freezing point of seawater. ! PROGRAM seawater ! * Input Variables * INTEGER salinity1 INTEGER salinity2 INTEGER newsalinity REAL temp1 REAL temp2 ! * Computed Result * REAL predictedtemp ! Obtain input data PRINT *, "For data entry, salinity units are parts per thousand (integer)" PRINT *, "temperature is degrees Fahrenheit (floating point)." PRINT *, "Enter first observed salinity and temperature: " READ *, salinity1, temp1 PRINT *, "Enter second observed salinity and temperature: " READ *, salinity2, temp2 PRINT *, "Enter new salinity: " READ *, newsalinity ! Perform computation predictedtemp = temp1 + REAL(newsalinity-salinity1)/(salinity2-salinity1) * (temp2 - temp1) ! Display result WRITE (*,*) "Interpolated freezing temperature: ", predictedtemp END PROGRAM seawater