import simpleIO.*; public class CubeTable extends SimpleGUI { // Data fields private int TableSize; // number of rows in the table private int StartRow; // starting row number private int RowIncrement; // increment between rows // Methods public void PrintTables() // Keep printing tables until user enters zero { GetSize(); // loop until TableSize is zero while (TableSize != 0) { GetStart(); ShowCubes(); GetSize(); } } public void GetSize() { TableSize = getInt("Enter number of rows in table (0 to end):"); while (TableSize < 0) { displayResult ("Rows must be non-negative."); TableSize = getInt("Enter number of rows in table (0 to end):"); } } public void GetStart() { StartRow = getInt("Enter the starting row number:"); while (StartRow < 0) { displayResult ("Start row must be non-negative."); StartRow = getInt("Enter the starting row number:"); } RowIncrement = getInt("Enter the row increment:"); while (RowIncrement <= 0) { displayResult ("Row increment must be positive."); RowIncrement = getInt("Enter the row increment:"); } } public void ShowCubes() { displayResult ("A cube table of size " + TableSize + " will appear here starting at " + "row " + StartRow + "incrementing by " + RowIncrement); displayResult ("the sum will appear here."); } } // class CubeTable