Submitting your work through handin

Most programming assignments in this course will be submitted electronically to the instructor for grading. This step is performed on the CSc department's Unix server,  You will be using a specially created command named "handin".

Since unix1 is a remote computer we have no physical access to it, so we must connect to it through the internet.   The procedure for doing this depends on whether your computer is running Linux, Windows, or Mac OS.


1. On the CSL workstations, from the Applications menu, select System Tools, and then Terminal.

2. A terminal window appears. 

3. Enter the" ssh" command.  Type:  ssh
(Enter your username in place of the italicized text.)

4. The password prompt appears.

5. Enter your Cal Poly password.  The welcome message appears, followed by the shell prompt.

Skip to "Using handin"


Download the free PuTTY program for Windows.  No installation is necessary; the download (putty.exe) is a Windows executable.

  1. Launch PuTTY.
    PuTTY screen
  2. In the Host Name field, enter Verify that the Connection Type is set to "SSH". Click "Open" (or press Enter).
  3. A warning will appear the first time you try to connect to unix1.
    PuTTY warning
    Click "Yes".
  4. The login prompt appears:
    Enter your Cal Poly username and press Enter, then type your password.
  5. The welcome message appears, followed by the shell prompt.
    Notice the remote computer name is displayed in the title bar, along with the path to the current directory.  Hurray, you're connected!

    Skip to "Using handin"

    Mac OS:

    1. Open the Terminal application found in Utilities folder within the Applications folder
      Terminal Application icon
    2. A Terminal window will appear.
      Terminal Application Opened
    3. Enter the" ssh" command.  Type:  ssh
      (Enter your username in place of the italicized text.)

    4. The password prompt appears.
      Terminal Application Opened
    5. Enter your Cal Poly password.  The welcome message appears, followed by the shell prompt.

    6. Using handin

    7. Next, navigate to the folder containing the work you want to submit. If your work is located in a subdirectory, you must navigate to it using the cd and ls commands.
    8. Finally, issue the "handin" command to submit your work.  For example,

      handin graderjd Lab01 greetings.c

      will submit the file in the current directory named "greetings.c" to the assignment named "Lab01" in the grader account of Mr. Dalbey (graderjd).

    9. The general form of the command is:

    10. handin toAccount assignmentName file
      toAccount is the name of the instructor's account.

      assignmentName is the official assignment name given to you by the instructor.

      file is the name of the file in the current directory you want to submit.

    11. If necessary, you can hand in the same file more than once. The last successfully handed-in file will be the one that is graded.  You should see messages that indicate handin occurred without error. 

    12. Please read the complete guide to using handin.