Why study data structures?

Programs are comprised of two things:  data and algorithms.  The algorithms describe the way the data is to be transformed.  The reason for learning about data structures is because adding structure to our data can make the algorithms much simpler, easier to maintain, and often faster.

Here's a very simple example:

 * SodaInventory keeps track of inventory of sodas.
 * A list of transactions is entered with a soda brand
 * and an amount.  The inventory is updated by the amount.
public class SodaNoDataStructure
   public static void main(String[] args)
      int coke = 0;
      int jolt = 0;
      int pepsi = 0;
      int sprite = 0;

      java.util.Scanner console = new java.util.Scanner(System.in);

      System.out.println("Enter transactions (soda and amount):\n");

      // Read all the transactions
      while (console.hasNext())
         String soda = console.next().toUpperCase();
         int amount = console.nextInt();

         char response = soda.charAt(0);
         if (response == 'C') coke += amount;
         if (response == 'P') pepsi += amount;
         if (response == 'J') jolt += amount;
         if (response == 'S') sprite += amount;

      System.out.println("Final inventory.\n");
      System.out.println("coke " + coke);
      System.out.println("jolt " + jolt);
      System.out.println("pepsi " + pepsi);
      System.out.println("sprite " + sprite);



The program keeps track of the inventory on hand of four different kinds of soft drinks.
Each transaction is entered on a separate line with a positive number for additions
to the inventory or a negative number for deductions from the inventory.
The final inventory is reported at the end.

        Enter transactions (soda and amount):
        coke 40
        jolt 20
        sprite 50
        coke -10
        Final inventory.
        coke 30
        jolt 20
        pepsi 0
        sprite 50

In this simple version each inventory amount is stored in a separately named variable.
There's no data structure.  There's only individual data items.

The program works correctly but the shortcoming is that determing the appropriate
variable to update requires a chain of decisions that explicitly check every possibility.
There's nothing bad about that in itself, but the weakness of that approach is that
it doesn't scale up very easily.   If we want to enhance the program to accept a fifth
variety of soda, like "Monster", we have to make modifications to three different
parts of the code:
Each modification introduces the possibility of making a mistake.

In addition, certain kinds of computations become quite difficult to express in any
succinct manner.  For example, how would we find the average inventory?

(coke + jolt + pepsi + sprite) / 4

When a fifth soft drink is added, one must remember to change the denominator
as well as add the new item in the numerator.  

What if we want to add five more soft drinks, or ten?  At some point, the code just
gets too unwieldy to manage.   Obviously a real program that has hundreds or
thousands of data items would be so long as to be prohibitively expensive to write.
It's just not practical to store every data item in its own separately named variable.

Consider this alternate solution that uses a data structure, in this case an array of integers.

public class SodaWithArrays
   public static void main(String[] args)
      int[] inventory = new int[256];     /* soda inventory  */
      String sodacodes = " CPJS";

      java.util.Scanner console = new java.util.Scanner(System.in);

      System.out.println("Enter transactions (soda and amount):\n");

      // Read all the transactions
      while (console.hasNext())
         String soda = console.next().toUpperCase();
         int amount = console.nextInt();

         char response = soda.charAt(0);
         inventory[(int)response] = inventory[(int)response] + amount;

      System.out.println("Final inventory.\n");
      for (int index = 1; index < sodacodes.length(); index++)
         char soda = sodacodes.charAt(index);
         System.out.print(soda +" ");


Each inventory amount is saved in an element of the array.
The program operates exactly the same.
However, upgrading the program to include a fifth type of soda is trivial.
All that is needed is to add a single letter to the sodacodes string.
      String sodacodes = " CPJSM";

NOTHING ELSE has to change.  Importantly, we make no changes to
the algorithm logic, which greatly reduces the likelihood that we'll
introduce an error.

Consider another example.   The following program segment represents
a checkerboard as a string. 

public class CheckerboardString
   String board  = "B B B B B B B B  B B B B B B B BB B B B B B B B                 W W W W W W W WW W W W W W W W W W W W W W W w";

   public boolean isEmpty(int row, int column)
       int index = row * 8 + column;
       char square = board.charAt(index);
       return square == ' ';
The string is not easy to visually verify.
The algorithm to determine if a square is empty is long and difficult to understand.

public class CheckerboardArray
   char[][] board =
  {{'B',' ','B',' ','B',' ','B',' ','B',' '},
   {' ','B',' ','B',' ','B',' ','B',' ','B'},
   {'B',' ','B',' ','B',' ','B',' ','B',' '},
   {' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' '},
   {' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' '},
   {' ','W',' ','W',' ','W',' ','W',' ','W'},
   {'W',' ','W',' ','W',' ','W',' ','W',' '},
   {' ','W',' ','W',' ','W',' ','W',' ','W'}};
   public boolean isEmpty(int row, int column)
       return board[row][column] == ' ';


When represented as a two-dimensional array, the data structure is more complex,
but the algorithm is simple and obvious.

Key Points