CSc 103 Project 3
Binary Trees
The goal of this project is to write a Java implementation of a
binary tree and write a client application that uses it.
Overview - Animals Guessing Game
You are required to write a Java application that plays an interactive
guessing game called Animals. The game is similar to Twenty
Questions. The player thinks of an animal and the computer tries
to guess which animal the player is imagining by asking questions which
can be answered yes or no. Each time it plays, the computer
learns a new animal, and then uses that information in successive games.
When it starts, the computer doesn't know any animals. So it will
simply give up and ask you to tell it the answer (user input shown in
boldface for clarity):
Please think of an animal.
I give up.
What animal is it?
What question should I have asked?
Does it have fur?
After several games have been played, the following dialog might
Please think of an animal.
Q: Does it have fur?
Q: Does it have tusks?
Q: Does it have big ears?
Is it an elephant?
Oops, I guessed wrong.
Notice that the computer's strategy is to ask all the relevant
possible before guessing an animal. (It does NOT guess an animal
then ask another question ...) If the computer guesses
incorrectly, or runs out of things to guess, the user is asked to
provide the correct animal and a question which would identify that
I give up.
What animal is it?
Wild Boar
What question should I have asked?
Does it have bad breath?
You should limit the user's response to questions to a single character
'y' or 'n' (upper or lower case) or 'q' to quit.
Software Design
Click on a class in the diagram to view the javadocs.
You are to implement two classes in the above design:
BinaryTree, which
implements the I_BinaryTree
Interface. You must use a linked implementation. Your
implementations must match the javadoc class specifications exactly.
(If you say "implements I_BinaryTree", then the compiler
will ensure that your specification matches.)
AnimalsGame, the client
application that interacts with the user. There are no javadocs
for the client application. You must design your own solution
following the principles for maintainable design presented in class.
Here are the .class files for the instructor components, in a
JAR formatted file: Project3.jar
Properties File
You must design your client application so that no messages
displayed to the user are hard-coded in your application.
Instead, your application will read the messages from a text data file
called a properties file, specifically,
The Java tutorial has a good explanation and examples of how to load
a properties file. (Your application will not need to write a
properties file). Here is a sample code segment:
messages.load(new FileInputStream(""));
catch ( e)
System.err.println("Unable to load properties file.");
Compiling your module on Unix (Vogon)
Download the Project3.jar file into your working directory.
Compile your modules
javac -classpath Project3.jar
javac -classpath .:Project3.jar
Execute the application
java -classpath .:Project3.jar AnimalsGame
You will create a unit test for the BinaryTree class as a scheduled lab
You must do your own system testing for the Animals Game.
The instructor will supply his own unit tests and system tests when he
grades your submission.
When you application is tested, it will be run with a different
properties file than the sample above.
Sample Execution
Here is a sample execution.
This project has two due dates. For the first due date, submit
your BinaryTree class.
For the second due date, submit your AnimalsGame class.
60% Correct functionality (Your program
will be graded with instructor's test data).
BinaryTree unit tests
AnimalsGame system tests (30%)
25% Algorithm design meets quality standards for flexibility,
maintainability, etc.
common flaws).
15% Coding
standards are followed.
Remember, your program will be tested on Vogon. Code that does
not compile will receive a grade of zero.
Handing in Your Source
- Be
sure to compile and test your code on vogon
one last time just before turning the files in.
- Login
to using the Secure Shell Client program
(or your favorite equivalent).
- Change
to the directory containing the source files to submit.
- Choose the appropriate handin
Determine the number of lines of code in your file:
Complete the programmer productivity summary
form for this project.
Submitting a Printout of your program
Printout the source code for your submission.
- Inkjet or laser jet output must be clear and legible, not
streaked or
- Printouts of computer source code must use at least 10 point
non-proportional ( monospaced)
font such as courier.
- Staple all the pages together. If you followed the coding
standard, the @author tag appears near the top of the first page. If
you neglected to do that, write your name at the top of the page.
To avoid being late, your printout must be on the table at the front of
the classroom before the official class starting time at the first
class meeting after the due date.
Extra Credit
Enhance your application so that a game can be saved to secondary
storage and later reloaded.
When the user enters 'q' to quit a game, the current state of the game
should be saved to
a data file. The application should display "Game saved to (filename
goes here)."
When the application starts, it should check to see if a saved game
file exists.
If there is no saved game file, then the game should begin with an
empty tree as in
the original game.
If a saved game file is found, display "Loading game from (filename
goes here)."
and then begin by displaying the first question from the tree.
Upload your program and the Project3.jar to Vogon.
Use your secure shell client program, the unix script command, or some
mechanism to capture the output of executing your program.
Run your program using redirection to provide the instructors data as
input to your program:
java -classpath .:Project3.jar AnimalsGame
< ~graderjd/Public/ec3_data.txt
It should save the game. Then run the program again and from the
keyboard enter
and it should guess "Badger."
Create a printout of the above execution.
Handing in Your Source
- Be
sure to compile and test your code on vogon
one last time just before turning the files in.
- Login
to using the Secure Shell Client program
(or your favorite equivalent).
- Change
to the directory containing the source files to submit.
- Use the handin
graderjd Project3EC
graderjd Project3EC
Submitting a Printout of your program
Printout the source code for your submission. Print the
execution as described above.
- Inkjet or laser jet output must be clear and legible, not
streaked or
- Printouts of computer source code must use at least 10 point
non-proportional ( monospaced)
font such as courier.
- Staple all the pages together. If you followed the coding
standard, the @author tag appears near the top of the first page. If
you neglected to do that, write your name at the top of the page.
To avoid being late, your printout must be on the table at the front of
the classroom before the official class starting time at the first
class meeting after the due date.