Quote Puzzles Web Site - Desired Features List
Site Home Page
Tagline - funny, inspiring, educational word puzzles
anyone can enjoy.
Links to different puzzle areas.
Specific puzzles to consider:
From the above list, I'm most interested in puzzles
that can be computer generated from a list of quotes, or generated with
a minimum of human intervention.
QuoteFalls Puzzle Area
Daily Puzzle
A new puzzle appears every day at midnight (Pacific
Time). The system does this without administrator
Site host needs the capability of running cron jobs
so that puzzle can be changed automatically.
Once a puzzle has appeared as puzzle of the day, it
gets archived.
Casual puzzles
Anyone can play without becoming a member.
Last 30 quote of the day puzzles are available.
Hints: Reveal letter, word, puzzle. Show a mark in
the square, e.g., a colored corner.
Have a "teaser" when they finish the puzzle, e.g.,
"Would you like to see where you ranked? Become a member for free
to play against other members."
Show a warning that the puzzle will be lost if they
leave the page. Example: puzzability.com Say What? puzzle.
Have a "solving tips" page (like a "guestbook"?)
with user suggestions for puzzle solving strategies.
Do we need to periodically change the HTML source
for the puzzle to defeat screen scrapers?
Competitive puzzles
Have a "Submit" button that allows them to submit
their time/score on the puzzle to the rankings. Don't make
submission automatic, because perhaps someone gets interrupted during
the game and gets a bad time, they don't want to submit it because it
would lower their overall score. But their record still
shows that they attempted that puzzle, so they can't play it again for
a score. And in a sense they are penalized because they can't
count it as a "puzzle completed" for their composite score.
Scoring - Time solved is more important than
accuracy. Example scoring rubric at crosswordtournament.com
Composite score: formula uses time to complete
puzzle, accuracy, and number of puzzles solved to determine highest
rankings for the month. (c.f., BestCrosswords.com).
Monthly top scorers
List top ten composite scorers for previous month on
site welcome page.
Provide a "more..." link to see the complete
rankings. (e.g. Bestcrosswords.com)
Interactive Solver
See an example
by a competitor.
User interacts with computer to solve the puzzle.
Display puzzle elements: letter pool of
scrambled letters and grid of letter squares and black squares.
Quote author (and contributor if community puzzle)
displayed when puzzle appears.
A cursor (colored square) works analogously to a
text cursor in a standard editor.
Player enters letters by typing them on the keyboard
or by dragging and dropping them with a mouse.
When typed in, an animation shows the letter falling
from the
letter pool into the current square. Be sure the letter shows in
when falling through a black square. (Same for dragging a letter).
If an invalid letter is typed (i.e., one that
doesn't appear in the
same column in the letter pool), don't advance the cursor and change
the color of the square background. Have an audio feedback.
Have a timer display showing elapsed time in minutes
and seconds.
Log player move sequence, that is, keystrokes and
time (for every keystroke).
Log player IP from which each game is played.
Log date/time solved.
Replay player move sequence upon win (animated).
Be able to go to "next" and "previous"
puzzles. randomly, by same
contributor, same category, same author, same difficulty, etc.
Win animations: fireworks, cheerleader
brigade, change all grid
black squares to green, rainbow animation of grid colors, replay user
key sequence.
Puzzle size adjusts depending on puzzle width.
Be able to go to a puzzle by date (or number).
Solver "help" explains rules and controls.
Universal Crosswords has a good example. Display in a popup
Competition version - Begins with
a hidden board and a "start"
button; clicking "start" reveals the playing area. Once a player has
started, record it as an attempt, so they can't look at puzzle and then
later come back and do it after they have solved it away from the
Ranking is based on elapsed time first, then
accuracy (numbers of letters typed incorrectly or invalid).
Log all solved times for all puzzles for later
analysis. Utimately
see if a predicted solving time formula can be extrapolated from puzzle
Timer maxes out at some administrator defined
duration, e.g. one hour.
Be sure timer works when clock wraps around
midnight, end of month, etc.
Puzzle Builder
Member enters a quotation, the author,
suggests a category.
System creates the puzzle (e.g., layout and
scrambled letters).
User may adjust layout: taller, shorter,
wider, narrower.
User may adjust quote text , e.g., omitting
User may obtain a printed version of puzzles they
create. Allow adjusting appearance, e.g., font size, line
thickness, background, borders, captions, instructions.
User submits puzzle to site editors for approval.
Use images on puzzle corners to manipulate
Track all user actions for subsequent usability
Save all user created quotations, whether it was
submitted to the community database or not.
Tips page on how to create a good quote, and site
guidelines for appropriate language, content, etc.
System checks if submitted quote is a duplicate of
one already in the database, using a "fuzzy matching" algorithm.
Perhaps inform user:
If it's an EXACT match, inform the user that their
submission is rejected because that quote already exists in the
If it's a FUZZY match, inform the user that their
submission is being reviewed by the site editors and MAY be
Depending on speed at which we can return this info,
perhaps don't
do it in real time but send an email. Or just skip it and let the
editors inform the user at approval time.
Approval Page
All submitted quotes require approval by the site editor.
An approval page shows recently submitted quotes and allows the editor
to accept, modify, or reject each submission.
Each submission appears along with supplementary information to assist
the editor in evaluating it:
- spell check results
- database duplicate check results
- google results for the quote (to check the citation).
- quote appears in the "puzzle builder" form ready for modifying.
The database records the editor name of the person who approved the
Acceptance or Reject message emailed to members about the status of
their puzzle.
Since multiple editors could be working simultaneously, avoid giving
the same submission to two editors at once.
Browse community puzzles
Be able to see most recent member submissions.
Be able to select a random puzzle.
Browse by author
Browse by category
Browse by contributor (e.g., could see all puzzles I
Browse by editor (perhaps this is a hidden feature).
Browse has a toggle to hide puzzles I've already
Browse has a hidden toggle (for admins) to hide
puzzles that I editted.
Sort by difficulty
Sort by popularity ranking.
Each puzzle entry includes
average rating by other players who have solved the puzzle. Rate
how entertaining the quote is (not puzzle difficulty).
the number of people who have rated the puzzle
Difficulty level: (0 - 10). Formula to be determined.
author (maybe a phrase, so could be a movie title).
category (e.g., politics, sports, wisdom, romance).
audio clip availability (yes/no).
Icons indicating user history with this puzzle: attempted,
solved, contributed, you hold top spot. (E.g. KrosswordKings.com)
Movie quotes - hide movie name until game is
over? Some famous
quotes are so closely associated with the movie, that knowing the movie
would give away the quote, e.g. "The Terminatior" and "I'll be
Do we need an indicator in the database that flags special types of
quotes, e.g., movie quotes, quotes containing numbers, or
quotes that need special treatment?
Player Statistics
Show who has contributed most puzzles, solved most
puzzles, fastest
average solving time, spent the most time logged in to the site,
highest average popularity rating, etc.
Printable Versions
HTML version (available to members).
HTML version - consider using CSS to make table cell
borders darker.
PDF version (available to subscribers).
other formats?
User Settings/Preferences
Technical question: how do preferences from an
applet get saved
for the user? How do they get retrieved? How to communicate
the applet and preferences settings.
Time zone, date format.
Interactive solver appearance settings: font,
size, background
color for grid and pool, font color for grid and pool, and for selected
letters, etc. Color for cursor. Letter drop animation
Choice of win animations.
Possibly an option could be a "handwritten" style
font for playing area letters. Option to show an animation of
letter being drawn.
Interactive solver controls: keyboard
mappings, mouse mappings.
Keyboard mappings for keys: space, backspace,
delete, cursor left&right&up& down, Ctrl-H, and vi-style
Ctrl keys (i,j,k,l), Home, End.
Keyboard mappings for actions: advance cursor,
backspace, delete, cursor movement, start of line, end of line.
Control over audio, e.g., mute feedback on invalid
Preferences could be set inside the applet, but
would applet know if the user is a member?
Preferences could be set in the DHTML page, but then
how could they
be reloaded into the applet? Would this require restarting the
applet? Or takes effect on next puzzle?
Desktop version of interactive solver
Can be played offline.
Download puzzle packs (require payment) for more
puzzles. Need details here.
Consider if it's feasible to play this game on a PDA
or portable gameboy-style machine.
Rating the puzzle
When a community puzzle is solved, the player is given a chance to rate
the puzzle. E.g., "This puzzle was rated 3 stars by 17 people.
Tell us
your rating."
Audio quotes
For subscribers
Offer a free sample
Famous speeches, e.g. Kennedy's "not what your
country can do for you ..."
Historical speeches, e.g., Gettysburg address.
Movie quotes.
For quotes where an actual audio clip doesn't exist,
a professional voice actor/impersonator could recite it (especially,
for famous contemporary authors, e.g, Groucho Marx, Richard Nixon, etc.)
Another alternative is simply to use text-to-speech
synthesis and have a computerized voice recite it.
Cooperative Solving.
Online, real-time cooperative puzzle solving with
other players. (for subscribers)
See an example in the NY
Times crosswords.
Puzzle Race
Online, real-time competitive puzzle solving against
other players.
Artificial Intelligent Solver
User enters a quotefall puzzle from an external
source (tedious).
Computer employs simply AI to attempt to solve the
puzzle and displays solution.
User Authentication
Users may play Casual POTD without logging in.
Be sure they can play even if they have cookies blocked in their
Registration requires username (screenname) and
e-mail address. Optional, real firstname, lastname.
Registration has an email confirmation step.
Don't forget COPPA when applicable.
Pages that require membership show an invitation
page that explains what you can do if you join.
The system records all logins, including IP address,
to check for cheaters who login under one username to determine the
competition puzzle solution, then login under a different username to
play quickly and get a high score. (Note, the system doesn't do
any checking. The system simply gathers data for subsequent analysis by
system admins, perhaps with the aid of database mining tools).
Members can be "blocked" by administrator if
suspected of cheating, which mans their scores won't appear in the Hall
of Fame.
Why do we need user e-mail when they join for free?
so we can confirm they are a real person and not a
scam-machine by
requiring they respond to an email confirmation message when they
so we can confirm or reject their puzzle submissions.
so we can send a reminder email if they forget their
so we can notify them if they win a prize.
Report Errors Form
An error reporting form allows site users to report mistakes in
quotations, attributions, puzzle errors, etc.
Copy Protection Issues
Protect the solver and puzzle builder code from
being copied.
Don't expose the puzzle solution in HTML code (as is
done at this
Don't allow robots to play.
Deter hacking into archives, e.g., don't have any
obvious code or id that maps to the puzzle that can be entered in an
URL or a modified HTML page (as you can do with BestCrosswords.com).
Administrator Utilities
Quote Site web crawler
A site crawler than can crawl a
quotation site such as http://creativewit.com/ and create a
text file of quotes, authors, and categories (not puzzles).
Automated (or batch) puzzle creator.
Accepts a file of strings (quotes) and
authors (e.g., perhaps from the web crawler utility), automatically
creates a puzzle and saves to a text file for review by editors.
Perhaps user specifiable criteria for minimum / maximum length, etc.
Automated cheater checker.
Displays a list of potential cheaters
according to some criteria to be determined based on login.
Check for cheaters by looking for very
fast solutions (i.e., check the keystroke sequences and times).
Difficulty analysis
Compare different formulas to see how
well they predict average solving time.
Database maintenance
Be able to correct errors in the
database, recalculate rankings with a new difficulty formula, etc.
The site should still be available, but
perhaps only a "sample" puzzle is available.
Site Traffic Analysis
We want to be able to monitor how
people navigate the site, how much time they spend using the different
features, etc.
For Consideration
If a player has already solved a puzzle, on a
subsequent visit allow them to see solution without playing puzzle?