Basis Path Testing Example

Step 1: Draw the flow graph for the algorithm.

The example procedure below shows how the algorithm statements are mapped into graph nodes, numbered on the left.

    public double calculate(int amount)

-1-  double rushCharge = 0;

-1-  if (nextday.equals("yes") )
-2-       rushCharge = 14.50;

-3-  double tax = amount * .0725;

-3-  if (amount >= 1000)
-4-       shipcharge = amount * .06 + rushCharge;
-5-  else if (amount >= 200)
-6-       shipcharge = amount * .08 + rushCharge;
-7-  else if (amount >= 100)
-8-       shipcharge = 13.25 + rushCharge;
-9-  else if (amount >= 50)
-10-      shipcharge = 9.95 + rushCharge;
-11- else if (amount >= 25)
-12-      shipcharge = 7.25 + rushCharge;
-13-      shipcharge = 5.25 + rushCharge;

-14- total = amount + tax + shipcharge;
-14- return total;

     } //end calculate

Here is a drawing of the flowgraph.

Step 2: Determine the cyclomatic complexity of the flow graph.

V(G) = E - N + 2
        = 19 - 14 + 2
        =  7

This tells us the upper bound on the size of the basis set.  That is, it gives us the number of independent paths we need to find.

Step 3: Determine the basis set of independent paths.

Path 1:  1 - 2 - 3 - 5 - 7 - 9 - 11 - 13 - 14
Path 2:  1 - 3 - 4 - 14
Path 3:  1 - 3 - 5 - 6 - 14
Path 4:  1 - 3 - 5 - 7 - 8 - 14
Path 5:  1 - 3 - 5 - 7 - 9 - 10 - 14
Path 6:  1 - 3 - 5 - 7 - 9 - 11 - 12 - 14
Path 7:  1 - 3 - 5 - 7 - 9 - 11 - 13 - 14

Note: This basis set is not unique.  There are several different basis sets for the given algorithm.  You may have derived a different basis set.

The basis set "covers" all the nodes and edges in the algorithm.

Step 4: Prepare test cases that force execution of each path in the basis set.

path     nextday   amount     expected result

1            yes           10           30.48
2            no           1500        ????.??
3            no            300          345.75
4            no            150          174.125
5            no            75            90.3875
6            no            30            39.425
7            no            10            15.975

Recommended: Use the Basis Path Worksheet to record your test cases.

Wrinkles Flowgraph for boolean AND

Flowgraph for boolean OR

Note: Basis Path testing is not sufficient in itself. It must be supplemented with other white box techniques or a formal correctness proof.