
Release Checklist Template

This list contains items that need to be completed before software can be released.  Each team must customize this list as appropriate for your specific project.  Some of the items below may not apply to your team and you may need to add other important items.  Fill in the "person responsible" column with the name of the actual person on your team.  Refer to McConnell Chapter 16.   (* items are required by instructor.)

Activities Person Responsible
Engineering Activities  
q Create install and configuration scripts as needed.
q Remove debugging and testing code from the software (including disabling assertions).
q Create the releasable software media (CD-ROM, downloadable JAR file, etc) required by customer.
Quality Assurance Activities  
q Verify all source code meets coding standard; run Checkstyle or other style-checker and do manual inspection. QA
q Check that all defects on current defect list have been resolved Tester
q Smoke test/regression test final build Tester
q Verify that every test in the Test Matrix appears in the Test Script.
q Verify all unit tests run automatically on the current build. * Tester
q Verify all system test scripts run automatically on the actual released software. * Tester
q Perform all non-functional system tests manually and document results. * Tester
q Verify installation by installing system on clean machine. Tester
q Have someone not on your team install and run your system without assistance by following your installation directions.
q Install program on machine with older version of program (upgrade install) Tester
q Verify all steps in the deployment plan are completed.
q Consistency check:  SRS, User Manual, System Tests, Staged Delivery Plan, and Software must all match! Analyst
Release Activities  
q Produce hardcopy of empirical evidence that the release criteria have been met.* Release team
q Schedule Acceptance Test date with customer (and instructor). * Release team
q Virus scan all release media Release team
q Tag and Branch the source code repository. * Change Control team
Documentation Activities  
q Verify that User Documentation matches current Release.
q Create a "ReadMe" text file with installation instructions. Analyst
q Write "Known Issues" List. Analyst
Other Activities  
q Project Visiblity Calculations are current and accurate.
q Create draft features list for next Staged Delivery Plan.
q Schedule Project Survival Assessment or Post-Mortem meeting.

QA Manager's Signature                                                           

This material is copied and/or adapted from the Survival Guide Website at This material is copyright © 1993-1998 Steven C. McConnell. Permission is hereby given to copy, adapt, and distribute this material as long as this notice is included on all such materials and the materials are not sold, licensed, or otherwise distributed for commercial gain.