Baseline Programming Process Script




  1. Enter your name in the header of the Time Log form.
  2. Enter the program identifier, name, and the date you begin work in the first three fields.
  3. Enter the start time.
  4. Read the assignment requirements and create a solution.
  5. Implement the solution in Java using the BlueJ IDE.
  6. Test your solution using a driver, JUnit, or Web-CAT as specified in the assignment.
  7. When your solution is complete, exit BlueJ (in order to save the compile log).
  8. Print the source code, test data and output.  Place these in your binder along with any other artifacts you produced.
  9. Record stop time in the data form.
  10. Save the form in your binder in front of the source code and other listings.
  11. Copy only the java source code file into your Solutions directory.  Rename it where XX is the program identifier.
  12. Move bluej-compilelog.txt to your Archive directory.  Rename it bluej-compilelogXX.txt where XX is the program identifier.
  13. Login to using the Linux Terminal (or Secure Shell for Windows).
  14. If you are not in the CSL, upload your source code file and compile log file.
  15. On vogon, use the handin commands shown below.  Spell your file names exactly as shown, where XX is the program identifier.
  16.        handin  graderjd  XX
           handin  graderjd  XX  bluej-compilelogXX.txt


Version 1.2 4/6/2010