Minimalist Programming Process Script




Diagram (pdf)
  1. Complete the header of the data form.
  2. In the first work period column, enter the start time.
  3. Read the assignment requirements and create a solution.
  4. Implement the solution in Java using the BlueJ IDE.
  5. Test your solution using a driver, JUnit, or Web-CAT as specified in the assignment. (If the assignment doesn't specify, use whichever you prefer.)
  6. When your solution is complete, exit BlueJ (in order to save the compile log).
  7. Print the source code, test data and output (or JUnit tests and output).  Place these in your binder (in that order) along with any other artifacts you produced.
  8. Determine the LOC for your source code file(s) using Lines of Code Counter and enter in the form.
  9. Run the Compile Log Summary script.  Enter the summary data in the form.
  10. Move bluej-compilelog.txt to your Archive directory. Rename it bluej-compilelogXX.txt where XX is the program identifier.
  11. Record end time in the data form.
  12. Follow the form instructions to perform the calculations and enter the results in the Summary section.
  13. Put the original form in the binder in front of the other work products.


Version 1.2 4/8/2011
Version 1.1 4/9/2010