Project Assignment P3 Instructions


Before beginning your work, briefly review the PSP1 process script from the textbook. You may work on your personal computer if you have the required software tools installed and operating correctly.

Obtain blank forms:

Follow the instructions in the "Planning" phase of the PSP1 process script.  Complete the header information in each form.  

Develop the Program

Complete the development of Programming Project 3 using the PSP1 process script.

For this assignment, follow a strictly sequential "waterfall" development process. 

  1. Do the design work for the entire solution before writing any code. 
  2. When you have a complete design, write all the code before doing any compilation.
  3. Once all the code is written, begin compiling it.
  4. Etc.


Complete the Project Summary form with the data you gathered for

After completing the Summary form, enter the data into the PSP data web submittal form.


The items to be included in assignment report and the order in which they are to be submitted are as follows:
Printouts must be at least 10 point font and must be monospaced. You should provide only the requested materials; no cover sheets binders written reports are needed other than those requested. Staple all pages together. You will need all your data for subsequent assignments so it's important that you retain a complete copy of everything you submit.


A principal objective of these exercises is to provide you with experience in using a disciplined process.  The criteria for evaluating the exercises are as follows:

The forms you submit should be hand written and must be neat and legible.  Submissions which do not meet these standards will be returned for rework.
In addition, you must produce a working program, so your solution must meet the simple testing requirements provided in the assignment.  If you fail to pass the Web-CAT grader by the due date your assignment receives a zero.

Version 1.0 4/10/2010