Bouchat vs. Baltimore Ravens

Frederick Bouchat is an amateur artist. He has a ninth grade education, and now works as a front entrance security guard at on office building in Boston. Bouchat often showed his artwork to people passing through the building's main entrance.

As news of an NFL team for Baltimore spread in 1995, Bouchat created drawings and designs for the team based on his favorite possible team name -- the Ravens. Bouchat created a helmet design and affixed his creation to a miniature football helmet.

Bouchat proposed his drawings to an official from the Maryland Stadium Authority (MSA).  He was told his drawings would be given consideration for the team logo. 

The Ravens unveiled their new logo in June of 1996. The new Ravens logo was a Raven holding a shield.
Bouchat was not credited for the design when the logo was announced. 

Bouchat and several of his co-workers immediately recognized the new logo as Bouchat's work.  Bouchat holds a copyright on his shield drawing and claims that the Ravens' designers copied protected elements of that drawing. In May of 1997 Bouchat filed a lawsuit against the Ravens and NFL Properties for infringing his copyright on the drawing.  The defendants claim that they developed the Baltimore Ravens' official shield logo independently.

The original drawing and the final logo are shown below.  If you were Bouchat's attorney, how would you argue?  If you were the Ravens, how would you defend yourself?  If you were the judge, how would you rule?

Bouchat's drawing
Team Logo