Sample e-mail scam/fraud letter

Subject: From Harrison Karnwea.
Date: Wed, 24 Nov 2004 08:58:47 +0100 (CET)
To: undisclosed-recipients: ;


Kindly accept my apology for sending unsolicited mail to you. I believe
you are a highly respected personality, considering the fact that I
Sourced your profile from a human resource profile database on your country.

Though, I do not know to what extent you are familiar with events and
fragile political situation in Liberia but it has formed consistent
headlines in the CNN, BBC news bulletins.

My name is Harrison Karnwea from Liberia, a Country in West Africa. My
Cousin is John Winpoe Yormie, Deputy Minister of National Security,
Liberia. My Cousin was falsely accused of plotting to remove the then

Before my Cousin was killed, he moved out the sum of $20.5 million
through a diplomatic means, in my name and deposited it with a Security &
Finance Company in your country, this was done with collaboration with the
Minister of Defense.

All that is needed is for my lawyer to instruct the company to transfer
the consignment to you, I will remunerate you with a particular percentage
at the end of the transfer, but most of all is that I solicit your trust
and absolute confidentiality in this transaction.

The money in question (US$20.5million) is awaiting claims; please do not
hesitate to contact my Lawyer (Barrister Rachid Jalir) through his private
email Feel free to write to me through this email address:

Best Regards

Harrison Karnwea.

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