Install Dropbox Walkthrough

  1. Check your email for a message from "Dropbox" with a subject line "John Dalbey invited you to Dropbox".
  2. The message has a short invitation.  Click the link "Get started here."
  3. The Dropbox welcome page should appear in your browser.

welcome page

  1. Notice the form "Create a Free Dropbox Account."  Complete the form, providing your first and last name. The email address should already be filled in. Please don't modify the email address.  If you change it I won't know when you have completed the assignment. Create a password you want to use to access your Dropbox. Click "Create Account."

  2. A popup window should appear titled "Opening Dropbox ...".
  3. Click "Save File." 

  4. From your browser's Downloads window, double click the Dropbox .exe file.
  5. The install wizard will appear:
    install wizard
  6. Click Install (which takes about 15 seconds).

  7. In the Dropbox setup window click the radio button "I already have a Dropbox account" and click Next.
    setup 3

  8. A login dialog will appear, in which you enter your email and the password you created above.  Optionally you can change the Computer Name.
    setup 4

  9. Wait a moment and a dialog should appear with a question "Upgrade your Dropbox?"  Leave the Free option selected and click Next. 
    setup 5

  10. In the Choose Setup Type you'll probably want to select "Typical" and click Install.
    setup 6

  11. A window appears with a congratulations message saying "Welcome to Dropbox, (your name)".  Read four brief screens describing Dropbox key features and click "Finish". 

  12. You can now navigate to a new folder named "Dropbox" and notice that it already has folders named Photos and Public and a file "Getting Started.pdf".

Optional - install on a second computer. 
  1. The real power of having a dropbox is to be able to easily share files among several computers.  For example, maybe you have a home computer and a work computer. 
  2. Go to a second computer, launch a web browser, then go to the Dropbox web site and login.  Notice on the left side of the page near the bottom a small link "Install Dropbox".  
  3. Follow the same procedure described above on your second computer.  
  4. When complete, your Dropbox folder will be automatically synced among all your computers.  So any file you add, modify, or delete on one computer will automatically effect all the other computers.
After trying it out, if you decide you don't want Dropbox on your computer, you can uninstall it through Windows Add/Remove programs feature of the Control Panel.