CPE 302 Calendar

Winter 2011 - Subject to change
Date Due Readings Hwk
Week 1      
Tu 1/4
  Course Introduction
Th 1/6
Syllabus    Ch 1.1,1.3, (optional 1.2)
#1 Chapter 1
Week 2      
Tu 1/11
Computer Basics &
Digital Computers (PDF)
#2 Computer Basics.
Th 1/13
The Web & Cloud Computing

Cloud Computing
Week 3

Tu 1/18
Ch 2.1 & Fig 2.1
Privacy Fundamentals - case studies
Why privacy matters
Th 1/20
Privacy: databases
Who's Googling You?
Week 4

Tu 1/25
Ch 2.3.2 & Fig 2.4
How does RFID work?
#5 Location tracking and RFID
Th 1/27
Ch 2.3.4 & 2.3.7
#6 Privacy Out Loud
Facebook: Ten Reasons ...
Week 5

Tu 2/1 Ch 5.3 #7 Identity Theft
Th 2/3

Midterm Exam - scantron required
Week 6

Tu 2/8 Ch 4.1 & 4.2
Project Proposal
Intellectual Property
Ch 4 key points
Th 2/10 Ch 4.3 (skip 4.3.6)
#8 Copying and Sharing
Week 7

Tu 2/15 Ch 4.4
#9 Important IP cases
Th 2/17 Ch 4.3.5
#10 Ethical arguments
Week 8

Tu 2/22
No Class

No Class (Pretend it's Monday)
Th 2/24
Ch 7 pp376-379 #11 Internet Social Issues part 1
Week 9

Tu 3/1

Internet Social Issues part 2
Th 3/3
Multitasking articles:
[1]   [2]   [3]
Week 10  
Tu 3/8
Attached to Technology
Paying the Price
Th 3/10

Exam 2 - scantron required
Finals Week      
Tu Mar 15
10:10 - 1:00
Group Project Presentation