The Flesch Readability Index


The main class must be named FleschApp.
The main method must follow this specification:

     * Launches Flesch Readability program using the desired
     * source of user input and output.  The default is to accept user input
     * from and display to System.out.
     * @param args Any non-empty first argument will be interpreted as the name of
     * a file in the same directory as the program that contains the
     * user input data.
     * Any non-empty second argument will be interpreted as the name of
     * a file in the same directory as the program to which the output
     * is to be written.
     * @throws FileNotFoundException if the file isn't found.
     * @throws IOException if an illegal IO operation is attempted.
    public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException

There should be no application logic in the FleschApp class.  It simply processes the arguments and invokes other classes to do the work.


    Your solution will be most flexible if you design it so that it is passed a Reader and a Writer:
         public MyProgram(Reader rdr, Writer wtr);
              Then it can accept input from anything that implements the Reader interface,
              and write to any kind of Writer.
    Don't use BufferedReader, use Scanner.
    Scanner has this constructor that allows one to scan from a Reader.
    Here's a simple way to read all the text from a reader into a String:
           Scanner scan = new Scanner(rdr).useDelimiter("\\A");
       String text =;

    Create a PrintWriter from a writer like this:
         PrintWriter display = new PrintWriter(wtr, true); 

You must use an Object Oriented design with classes that model the significant entities in the problem domain: document, sentence, and word.

You should use the project as a chance to refresh your Java programming skills and practice writing modular, maintainable code.


You must provide your own JUnit tests that cause 100% branch coverage.  (Obviously, the tests must pass.)


Submit a zip file containing your source code and JUnit tests to the Web-CAT grader. Make sure you provide a correct @author javadoc tag in every file you submit. Make sure your classes are in the default package. The grader will run your unit tests, run the instructor's tests, and check for conformance to the class coding standard.

Your submission will be graded automatically by Web-CAT.
There must be no compiler warnings.
The "Correctness/Testing" portion of the score must be at least 76/80.
You can earn 20 additional points for the "Style/Coding" portion of the score by and conforming to the class coding standard.
You are allowed 8 submissions to Web-CAT without penalty.  After that you lose 10% per submission.

Update 4/4:Prior to the last day of class your project must pass all the tests, regardless of whether it earns any points or not. If your program doesn't pass all the tests before this final deadline, you will be assigned a failing grade in the course.

Oracle of Java You can run the instructor's solution on the Oracle of Java.

Bug Bounty

If you find a defect in the instructor's solution, you earn 1% extra credit.
The first person to email the instructor with a reproducible defect earns the bounty for that defect.


Q: Are hyphens in words handled in any particular way? Or are we considering it in the same category as parentheses and the like.
A: Hyphens are considered punctuation.

Q: Are we assuming 'y' to be considered a consonant for all words? For example, what would be the syllable count for words such as "lynx" and "rhythm"?
A: 'Y' is a vowel.

Q: This is more pedantic, but using the rules for word suffixes, "tapes" and "dresses" would have the same syllable count. Is this something that can be ignored?
A: Yes, they have the same syllable count. Follow the rules.

Q: Can my classes be in a named package?
A: No, they must be in the default package.

Q: Is the input text "happy days" counted as one sentence?
A: Yes, even though it contains no sentence delimiters, it is one sentence (because it contains two words). "Happy days." is also one sentence.

Q: The Oracle of Java seems confused by this test case:
#$can't9* \"ain't,\" 234ABC 23abn45 @#$aba34dfs#$% @a@e@i@o@u@
What is the correct index?
A: It has 11 syllables, 6 words, and 1 sentence, so index is 46.
Update 2 Apr 2016: Version 1.2 of the oracle of java is available that now correctly handles this case.

Q: Does a sentence require at least 1 word in order for it to be counted as a sentence?
A: Yes.

Q: If we are reading from standard input, should the program terminate after calculating the index or should it continue to run until the user terminates the program?
A: Let me clarify that reading from standard input has NOTHING to do with your concern. The program should behave exactly the same regardless of where the input originates. The real core of your question is: does the program accept multiple inputs? The answer is no. A single file can be provided on the command line, or it can read from The program reads from whatever input source is provided until that input is exhausted, and then it computes the index and terminates.
It doesn't make any sense for the program to "continue to run" after it has computed the index, because there is no more input for it to process. Yes, technically it could be in an executing state, but it wouldn't be doing anything. It would require an operating system directive to kill the process.

Q: I am really struggling with how to parse the string by multiple punctuation. I am currently using String.split() but am not having much luck like this. String[] splitDoc = doc.split(".!?:;");
But that does not parse the doc string by all those characters.
A: Correct. The argument to split() must be a "regular expression". It's a pattern used to find the delimeters. Regular Expressions are a big topic, but you can learn enough to get started by reading the first four sction of the Java Tutorial about it here. Otherwise you'll have to find an alternate method, such as looking for each delimeter independently.