Week 5 Action Items
(If it takes more than 15 minutes, create a ticket. 
If it takes more than 90 minutes, decompose into multiple tasks)

In repository, create a branch for Version 1.0 where fixes will go.
Use the trunk for Version 2.0 new development.

From any command line we should be able to checkout the repository
using SVN, change to project directory, issue "ant" and it should
build and run the tests (default behavior).  "ant run" executes project main().
"ant deploy" builds deployable jar file.
"java -jar dist/jarname.jar"  should execute it from jar file.

Within NetBeans, Team -> Subversion -> Checkout should
checkout the project.  It should open with NO reference problems,
and NO conflicts.

Put a blank form document on Download page.  If it has a field for
Test Instructions, provide in ODT format.

Add Milestones to Trac for Version 1 and Version 2.
(You may add others ...)
Be sure the anonymous feedback link on your wiki home page is working
to email every team member.

Don't put generated files in repository (like intermediate PNG files).
Don't commit private.properties, etc, to repository.

1. Put Version # in title bar or About dialog.  Ideally, include SVN revision #.
2. Team name should be included, either title bar or About dialog.
3. Please have file chooser open to last opened file.

On Trac, "View Tickets" every day, assign any new unassigned tickets to appropriate dev.
Followup on Critical or High severity tickets.
Write core system test cases, develop scripts or JUnit tests for them, incorporate into build,
track progress.

Make sure there is a user manual, help page, or similar documentation
with directions for how to use your application.
Update SRS - keep current with teams understanding of what
the application should do.