Software Requirements Specification Document
Quality Assurance Criteria
General QA Criteria
Content / Format
The instructor has provided a recommended document
format to follow.
The document must be technically correct. The content of each section
fulfill the purpose for which it is intended. All diagrams must follow
the appropriate notation.
The document must be well written. The writing must meet the
standards of the Cal Poly
Proficiency Exam level 4 or greater. If you have questions about
style, refer to a standard style guide such as: MLA Handbook
Writers of Research Papers.
Is each requirement is simply stated in english?
Is the document free of spelling errors?
Is the writing grammatically correct?
Does the writing use present tense, active voice with transitive verbs,
and 3rd person writing? (Examples)
Does the writing avoid vague terms such as those in Dan Stearns' bad
words list?
General Characteristics of Good Requirements
It is essential that the requirements be clear to all readers so
as to prevent ambiguity and misinterpretation.
Are the requirements written in user language? Do the users think so?
Are the requirements written in non-technical language that uses
the vocabulary of the client problem domain?
Are the requirements stated simply and completely so that they are
Are the requirements stated clearly so there is only one interpretation?
Do the requirements describe only EXTERNAL behavior, as seen from the
point of view?
Do the requirements avoid stating how the problem is to be solved or
techniques are to be used.
Do all data and processes exist in the problem domain, not the solution
Is every noun a term from the data dictionary?
Is every noun emphasized in some way in the document (e.g.
and use the exact DD term?
Are the requirements at a fairly consistent level? Should any
be specified in more detail? Should any requirement be specified in
Are the requirements clear enough to be turned over to an independent
for implementation and still be understood?
A correct, complete set of requirements is one that correctly and
completely states the desires and needs of the sponsor. If the
are incorrect, the software may meet the requirements as stated, but
not do what the sponsor wants it to do. If the requirements are
the software may do only part of what the sponsor hoped it would do.
Is each characteristic of the final product described?
Are all the tasks the user wants to perform specified?
Is each requirement relevant to the problem and its solution?
Are all the inputs to the system specified including their source,
range of values, and frequency?
Are all the outputs from the system specified including their
accuracy, range of values, frequency, and format?
Does each function specify the data used in the function and data
from the function?
Are all aspects of the processing specified for each function?
Are the requirements complete in the sense that if a product satisfies
every requirement, it will be acceptable?
Do the requirements contain no implied design details?
Do the requirements contain no implied implementation constraints?
Do the requirements contain no implied project management constraints?
Consistency is obtained if the requirements do not contradict each
other. Inconsistency results when one requirement contradicts another.
Is each requirement unique? (I.e., no redundancy)
Are the characteristics of real-world objects consistent? E.g.,
one requirement specifies a report in tabular format but the user
prototype shows it as text format, there is a conflict.
Are the logical and temporal characteristics of required actions
E.g., If one requirement says the database is updated when the file is
closed then it would be inconsistent if another requirement said the
is saved when the transaction is completed.
Is all terminology used consistently? E.g. don't use "prompt" in one
and "cue" in another.
Do all the requirements avoid conflicts with other requirements?
Traceability and Modifiability
Ultimately every aspect of the finished system should be able to
be traced back to the requirements. Therefore this document
be organized to facilitate tracing the requirements into subsequent
products. An SRS is modifiable to the extent that requirements
can be made easily and consistenlty while retaining its structure and
Does the organization adhere to an accepted standard?
Is the document organized in a segmented, top down manner?
Is every requirement numbered in a manner that facilitates cross
and indexing?
Is each requirement expressed separately, rather than intermixed with
Can each item be traced to its origin in the problem environment?
Are all possible changes to the requirements specified?
The requirements must be verifiable in two ways: do the requirements
satisfy the sponsor's needs, and does the system satisfy the
In the first case, the requirements must be compared to the sponsor's
and needs. Do the requirements correctly and completely specify the
desires and needs? In the second case, once the system has been
it must be compared to the requirements. Does the system meet the
as they are stated?
Are all of the requirements feasible? (I.e., possible to implement)
For each requirement is there a process that can be executed by either
a human or a machine to verify the requirement?
Is each requirement testable or verfiable? Will it be possible for
testing to determine whether each requirement has been satisfied?
Does each requirement use concrete terms and measurable quantities?
Especially for nonfunctional requirements, special attention must be
to stating the requirements in a manner that is objective and
there must be some measurable way to assess whether the requirement has
been met.
Does the writing avoid vague terms such as those in Dan Stearns' bad
words list?
Technical Criteria
Analysis Model
Do all charts and diagrams follow the corresponding notation?
Has the diagramming notation been used correctly?
Does the model capture all of the data in the problem domain? (No
data is omitted)
Does the model capture all the relationships among the data elements?
Are the visual models consistent with the written requirements?
Data Dictionary
Are all required data from problem statement included (there is a data
item for each noun in the problem statement)?
Do the items describe only EXTERNAL data (i.e, data that is entered by
or displayed to the user). No "internal" data, temporary variables
be described. "External" data is what goes in or out of system, not
is involved in intermediate calculations, or what stores data during
Do the items define only data, not processes?
Is each item unique? (No redundant entries).
Are the items consistent with analysis model and the functional
Does each item have a definition that uses a standard
DD notation?
Does each item have a description in english?
Are composite items distinguished from elemental items.
Do composite data items show the "decomposition" into other data items?
Do elemental data items show data type; Enumerable types should list
values, continuous and discrete types should list allowed range of
(Examples: character A-Z, integer 1-99.)
External Interfaces
Have complete and detailed interfaces been provided for all hardware,
and communication interfaces?
Are complete and detailed formats specified for all input and output to
or from the system?
Are all the report formats specified?
Are all external file formats specified?
Engineering Analysis (Tradeoffs)
- Is there documentation
for any significant analysis decision?
- Were all possible alternatives considered?
- For each alternative, are all advantages and disadvantages
Did the analysis used objective and where possible, empirical, criteria?
Are all tradeoffs documented?
- Was an unbiased decision made and a clear rationale
Change History
10/18/03 JD Reworded Engineering Analysis