Staged Delivery Plan

Staged Delivery is an evolutionary software release strategy that delivers software in successive stages throughout the project rather than all at once at the end of the project. For CPE 308/206, implementation is divided into three stages, the first of which is completed during 308.  During each implementation stage the team does detailed design, implementation, debugging, and testing to create a potentially releasable product that contains some partial functionality.

The Staged Delivery Plan is a description of all features that will be included in each release. Each feature needs to be precisely described. Ideally, it will refer to a requirement number from the specification document. However, if you didn't number your requirements, then you have to explain them with narrative.

If a feature is going to be partially implemented, you need to describe the character of the functionality you plan to implement. One of the most common sources of confusion on student projects is uncertainty about whether a certain feature is supposed to be working yet. It is the job of this document, along with the Integration Plan, to eliminate that confusion.

Staged Delivery is discussed throughout the McConnell text and a simplistic example is shown on page 165. Benefits of Staged Delivery are:

Staged Delivery Plan Example