Traffic Jam: Software Engineering Case Study

This Case Study demonstrates several different development approaches to the same problem.

What is Traffic Jam?


Functional Approach

User Interface Prototype  (static HTML)

ASCENT project file V1.0  including DFD, ERD, DD, mini-specs, and structure chart.

Test Plan 

Java source code V1.0 (includes javadoc comments)

Executable for MS-DOS (zip file)

Object Oriented Approach

Class Diagram

High Level Design (javadocs)

Interaction Diagram for Make Move

Traffic Jam JAR file Right-click on this link and select "Save Target As.." (Internet Explorer).  Then run the program by double-clicking on TrafficJam.jar, or issue the  command
java -jar TrafficJam.jar.

Play the Traffic Jam Applet!

OBSOLETE DOCUMENTS  (The ASCENT project file above contains the current versions.)

Last Updated 10/14/2000

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