PSP Process Script
To guide you in construction of module level
- On the Time Log enter your name, date, and the name of the
module you are constructing.
- Compute the Lines of Code currently in the module and enter
that value in the LOC Start field. If you are creating a new module,
enter zero.
- Record the start time and activity code for this phase in the
Time Recording Log.
- Read the Software Specification and User Interface Prototype
for the requirement being implemented. If there is ambiguity,
inconsistency, omission or other error, notify Analyst.
- When the requirements are clear, read the Software Architecture
Document(s) for the unit.
- If there are errors in the Architecture Document, notify the
- If the detailed design has been provided:
Read the algorithm for the unit to be implemented. If the algorithm is
not complete or clear, notify the Designer that clarification is
needed. - If there is no detailed design, collaborate with Designer
to write a detailed design (algorithm pseudocode). Enter the pseudocode
as comments into the header file for your module.
- Write the Unit Test cases you will need to verify your
implementation. Run the test cases and be sure they fail.
- Perform an algorithm trace ("desk check") to verify the
correctness of the detailed design using the Unit Test cases you wrote
in step G.
- Make any corrections necessary.
- Record the Stop time for this phase in the Time Recording Log
and compute the Delta time.
- Record the start time and activity code for this phase in the
Time Recording Log.
- Write the code for the unit, translating the pseudocode for the
algorithm into actual programming language statements. Be sure to
conform to the class coding standard.
- Record in the Defect Recording Log (or Defect Tally form) any
Specification or Design defects found.
- (Recommended) Visually inspect the code for errors. (This is
called a personal code review.)
- (Recommended) Perform a code trace ("desk check") or other
personal methods to verify the correctness of the code using the Unit
Test cases.
- (Recommended) Make any corrections necessary.
- Enter the code into the source file for your module by
interleaving the source code in between the lines of pseudocode.
- Record the Stop time for this phase in the Time Recording Log
and compute the Delta time.
- Record the start time and activity code for this phase in the
Time Recording Log.
- Compile the module.
- Repair the source code for any errors reported by the compiler.
- Each change you make to the source code is recorded as a
separate defect in the Defect Recording Log (or Defect Tally form).
(Don't count compiler errors; multiple error messages may result from a
single defect).
- Repeat steps B - D until the compiler reports no errors. This
phase ends with the first clean compile.
- Record the Stop time for this phase in the Time Recording Log
and compute the Delta time.
- If your team has a source code walkthrough, review, or
inspection procedure, perform that procedure here before proceeding to
Unit Test.
Unit Test
- Record the start time and activity code for this phase in the
Time Recording Log.
- Execute the compiled module using the Unit Test cases.
- Repair the source code for any discrepancies from the expected
test results.
- Each change you make to the source code is recorded as a
separate defect in the Defect Recording Log.
- Repeat steps B - D until the code passes all the unit test
- Merge your code with any recent changes by other developers
(cvs update).
- Integrate the unit with your private build of the complete
- Run the unit tests again to be sure they still pass.
- Perform informal integration testing to be sure your unit
integrates properly. The Test Manager should have a Daily Smoke
Test that you should run against your private build.
- Check the time to be sure it is within the allowable time
limits for daily check-ins.
- Do one more cvs update and if there's no conflicts then commit
your unit to the repository.
- Commit the unit test cases to the repository. E-mail the
Test Manager to notify him/her that your unit is available for
integration testing.
- Record the Stop time for this phase in the Time Recording Log
and compute the Delta time.
PSP Products
- A unit tested software module, ready for
integration into the system.
- Completed Time and Defect Recording Logs.
Document History
4/13/03 JD Revised for Spring 2003 (removed Post
Mortem phase)
Copyright © 1999 by John Dalbey