import java.text.*; import java.util.*; public class TradingGame { static final int NUMBER_OF_DAYS = 10; static final double BASE_PRICE = 10; static final double VARIATION = 5; static final double INITIAL_CASH = 100; static double cash = INITIAL_CASH; static int appleInventory = 0; static int pearInventory = 0; static double applePrice, pearPrice; public static void main(String[] args) { for (int day = 1; day <= NUMBER_OF_DAYS; day++) { applePrice = computePrice(BASE_PRICE, VARIATION); pearPrice = computePrice(BASE_PRICE, VARIATION); System.out.println("Day: " + day + " out of 10"); int choice; do { printMenu(); choice = getChoice(); switch (choice) { case 1: // Print cash balance and inventory System.out.println("Cash: " + currencyFormatter(cash)); System.out.println("Apple inventory: " + appleInventory); System.out.println("Pair inventory: " + pearInventory); break; case 2: //Print today's prices System.out.println("Price of apples is: " + currencyFormatter(applePrice)); System.out.println("Price of pears is: " + currencyFormatter(pearPrice)); break; case 3: { //Buy apples int amount = getQuantity("apples", "buy"); if (!buyApples(amount)) { System.out.println("You don't have enough money"); } break; } case 4: { // Sell apples int amount = getQuantity("apples", "sell"); if (!sellApples(amount)) { System.out.println("You don't have enough apples"); } break; } case 5: { // Buy Pears int amount = getQuantity("pairs", "buy"); if (!buyPears(amount)) { System.out.println("You don't have enough money"); } break; } case 6: { // Sell Pears int amount = getQuantity("pairs", "sell"); if (!sellPears(amount)) { System.out.println("You don't have enough pears"); } break; } } } while (choice != 7); } System.out.println("You finished with: " + currencyFormatter(cash)); } public static double computePrice(double basePrice, double variation) { double result = basePrice; if (Math.random() > 0.5) { result += Math.random() * variation; } else { result -= Math.random() * variation; } return result; } public static String currencyFormatter(double amount) { DecimalFormat myFormatter = new DecimalFormat("$###,###.00"); return myFormatter.format(amount); } public static int getQuantity(String product, String action) { System.out.println("How many " + product + " do you want to " + action + "? "); Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(; return keyboard.nextInt(); } public static boolean sellApples(int amount) { if (amount > appleInventory) { return false; } cash += amount * applePrice; appleInventory -= amount; return true; } public static boolean sellPears(int amount) { if (amount > pearInventory) { return false; } cash += amount * pearPrice; pearInventory -= amount; return true; } public static boolean buyApples(int amount) { if (amount * applePrice < cash) { cash -= amount * applePrice; appleInventory += amount; return true; } return false; } public static boolean buyPears(int amount) { if (amount * pearPrice < cash) { cash -= amount * pearPrice; pearInventory += amount; return true; } return false; } public static void printMenu() { System.out.println("1. Print cash balance and inventory"); System.out.println("2. Print today's prices"); System.out.println("3. Buy apples"); System.out.println("4. Sell apples"); System.out.println("5. Buy pears"); System.out.println("6. Sell pears"); System.out.println("7. I am done for today"); } public static int getChoice() { Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(; int choice; do { System.out.print("Your choice: "); choice = keyboard.nextInt(); } while (choice > 7 || choice < 1); return choice; } }