Senior Project I and II

Weekly Meetings and Updates

Senior Project Paper


Introduction Motivate the need for your application. Why is working in this area relevant and important? What is lacking in current products? What are the shortcomings in existing solutions that you are trying to address with your work? What exactly is your work, what does it accomplish, and measurements/experiments have you conducted to validate your claims?
Application Provide a user-level description of your application. After reading this section, the reader should know exactly how to use your application. (Screen shots work well here.)
Background Given that your target audience are CSC/CPE/SE sophomores and juniors, provide educational material that will help your reader understand your implementation. For example, if you are building a game using Unity, you should provide a general description of Unity's features, advantages and disadvantanges, and its programming environment.
Design What are the goals of your work? What principles guided your implementation?
Implementation Provide an overview of your implemenation. What software objects (classes, systems, libraries) did you create and how do they interact, communicate, coordinate, share and process data? Describe complicated algorithms or heuristics in your solution. You should thoroughly discuss the implementation of the main contribution of your work and provide brief overviews of supporting or mundane aspects of your implementation. Note: You should use software diagrams and charts as well as psuedo code in your explanations.
Analysis / Verification How do we know you succeeded? Is it scalable, efficient, fast, and fault tolerant? Is it correct? Do people find it valuable? Is your interface intuitive?
Related Work Describe work similar to yours. Provide a sentence or two on how your work differs from each mentioned work. This sections demonstrates you know and understand competing work in this field.
Future Work The things you didn't get to.
Conclusion Provide your own, personal assessment of your contribution.

Senior Project Milestone Due Dates

Senion Project I Milestone Schedule

Milestone Week Due Grade Percentage
Background Draft
Related Work Draft
Week 3 20%
20% Prototype Week 6 20%
40% Prototype
Senior Project Rough Draft
Week 10 60%

Senior Project I Week 10 Draft

Senion Project II Milestone Schedule

Milestone Week Due Grade Percentage
60% Prototype
User testing
Week 3 10%
100% Prototype
User testing
Week 7 10%
Final Application
Senior Project Paper
Week 10 80%
