//program to draw a pumpkin face, uses simple shapes and loops for teeth //set up the drawing size(300, 280); smooth(); background(#FC6C12); //set up the eye colors fill(#9B1B1B); strokeWeight(2); ellipse(80, 50, 50, 20); ellipse(220, 50, 50, 20); //the nose triangle(150, 100, 150, 120, 120, 120); //the mouth (background) fill(#714123); beginShape(); vertex(95, 147); vertex(195, 147); vertex(225, 130); vertex(198, 213); vertex(99, 213); vertex(60, 130); endShape(CLOSE); //loops to draw the rows of teeth int i; i=0; fill(#F2E92A); stroke(255); while (i < 100) { rect(i+100, 150, 7, 20); i = i+10; } i=0; while (i < 100) { rect(i+100, 190, 7, 20); i = i+10; } saveFrame("pumpkin.jpg");