//Simple creature animation -- Zoe Wood April 2015 for PCS 5th grade //Students will fill in the drawCreature method with their creature data when complete int modelX, modelY; int tx, ty; float modelRot; int bottom, left, top, right; void setup() { size(600, 400); background(76, 227, 200); modelX = 540/2; modelY = 540/2; modelRot = 0; bottom = height-70; left = 70; top = 70; right = width-70; tx = right; ty = bottom; } //TODO - students should fill in with their shape - created using digital graph paper //creature should be within 0-540 in both x and y //creature should be centered around {260, 260} -- leave all model transforms void drawCreature(int tx, int ty) { pushMatrix(); translate(tx, ty); rotate(modelRot); scale(0.3); translate(-modelX, - modelY); //TODO - fill in with beginShape and vertices //-----be sure to leave the rest of the code in place - do not edit below this line!!! popMatrix(); } void draw() { //TODO - change the background color if you want background(76, 227, 200); //Do not change the animation variables if (ty == bottom && tx > left) { modelRot = 0; tx -= 1; } if (tx == left && ty > top) { modelRot = PI/2; ty -=1; } if (ty == top && tx < right) { modelRot = -PI; tx += 1; } if (tx == right && ty < bottom) { modelRot = -PI/2; ty += 1; } drawCreature(tx, ty); }